But how we solve this problem should offer valuable lessons for all environmental policymaking.
It's also striking how much more valuable foreign-owned businesses are to Scotland than indigenous ones.
The company says it has learned several valuable lessons from the recent bond insurance fiasco.
That way you can keep key customers under thumb while also getting valuable feedback on your business.
Lots of data that companies have may be valuable, or it may not be.
FORBES: How External Big Data Opens a Disruptive Frontier for Business Intelligence
Each of those check-ins had comments, reviews and other valuable content associated with them.
Other tax preferences, such as the mortgage interest deduction, are just not that valuable to them.
FORBES: Paul Ryan's Budget Plan: More Big Tax Cuts for the Rich
It is partly the context of failure itself that makes these records so unusual and valuable.
The proliferation of information technology makes AOL's 35 million customers and instant messaging feature valuable.
Now, instead of remaining a troublesome expense item, they become an increasingly valuable asset.
They are valuable only as a means to the end of fuelling domestic spending.
Opponents have said the plan would destroy valuable farming land and increase pollution and traffic.
Perhaps consumers would pay on a per-use basis or for individual applications they find valuable.
FORBES: Silicon Valley vs. Detroit: The Battle For The Car Of The Future
Many indicators taken as whole, however, can offer valuable guidance when a clear pattern develops.
Lacking a brand name like Fox Sports or ESPN leaves FSV without valuable promotion.
Go to Creative Money and sign up for free classes and more valuable money tips.
Having guys that have been through it, like Diane Greene had for Nicira, is very valuable.
FORBES: Next-Generation Venture Capitalist Ben Horowitz On How To Build A Company Today
Don't be deceived by claims that cameras at traffic lights provide valuable information on traffic patterns.
You never know five years from now whether this will be valuable for something else.
Desperate clients will claim that noose around their neck is really a bead of valuable pearls.
That trend will accelerate after this redesign because newsfeed real estate will become even more valuable.
The heart of economic growth is the allocation of scarce resources toward the most valuable uses.
Live sports have become increasingly valuable in an age of fractured audiences and DVRs.
Mr Morikawa thinks the crop-scouting ability of such automated machines will prove highly valuable.
If you can give your job to an immigrant, you can get a more valuable job.
FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure
It's neck and neck with Exxon Mobil Corp. as the world's most valuable company.
Tracking stock is good currency to award the sub's valuable employees and for merger deals.
As a result of this partnership, TrueBridge gains valuable access and insights into the venture industry.
But sometimes certain people need attention more urgently, or certain people are more valuable customers.
How do you really control access to your valuable data if it is in the cloud?
FORBES: Experts Predict We��ll Be Working In The Cloud By 2020