Taxes work when they remind the payers of the value being received for their money.
In the U.S., we should be measuring the value being added by colleges.
He wondered if there was a danger the plan could be "the HS2 of cycling", with better value being delivered by smaller schemes.
But those same customers might not value being given only the option of a bundle without the ability to buy a burger alone, he says.
FORBES: Product Bundling is a Smart Strategy -- But There's a Catch
The clubs had realized that there was significant sponsorship value being left on the table by UEFA but there had to be a quid pro quo.
The firm will remain as a hierarchical bureaucracy, with the managers acting as controllers of individuals, work being coordinated by plans, rules and reports, the key value being efficiency and communications top-down.
This means that people differ in how much they value being insured against bad outcomes, and those who value insurance the most also happen to be those who have low expected costs.
In my view, the best opportunity for value being added in the process is a complete interview by the preparer with the taxpayer to assure details of transactions are complete, documents are reviewed and opportunities to qualify for quirky benefits Congress inserts into our tax laws are not overlooked.
Not many organizations can boast being among the top 10 franchises within their sport in terms of revenue, game attendance, and franchise value despite being the 17th largest market in the country.
No value is being placed on the proposed investment, ahead of a market update by Pernod Ricard next week.
BBC: Chivas Brothers reveal plans for new Speyside distillery
"There's a huge marketing value to being seen on The Hills, " she says.
Each woman spoke of the value of being able to witness and learn from other campaigns on the site.
FORBES: 9 Tips on Running a Successful Kickstarter Campaign from 3 Women Who Have Done It
They need to understand the portfolio value of being engaged in different types of work, and in self-sufficiency roles.
Where is the long term value in being an Android manufacturer if you see none of the revenue benefits?
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Providing user value and being sensitive to the Facebook community is paramount, and as a result monetization has historically always come second.
Social Number users say they find value in being able to openly mull sensitive topics without worrying about alienating or offending anyone.
There is still value in being a part of large-scale platforms like Facebook, because it puts you in front of millions and millions of eyes.
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Remember, the world is changing rapidly and there is still great value in being exposed to the diversity of people, ideas, and experiences that higher education can provide.
"In closed societies, the sheer value of being able to spread information quickly is going to be the reason why social networks play such a strong role, " Fowler said.
Ignoring accounting benefits, Accelrys will still need to prove to investors that it can extract value from being the early leader in chem-informatics and nanoscale modeling and simulation software.
If only half the transacted value is being reported to the taxman, the public treasury is being drained of literally hundreds of Billions of sorely needed funds every year.
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Successful publishers revised and revised until they arrived at a model that limits both the number of advertisers and ad exposures, increasing their value by being notable and effective.
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Thus there is a rarity value to being in the Big Leagues and thus some of the extra revenue can be and is abstracted by those who own that scarce commodity.
We co-hosted a lunch for attendees of the Forum from the UK. I checked in with many of the key leaders to get their perspectives on the value of being here this year.
There's genuine value in being able to purchase an app in one place and use it in another, and the same is true for pretty much any digital application or piece of media.
It is difficult to overstate the value of being able to bring a high-performance collection system like the SR-71 rapidly to bear virtually anywhere in the world, without regard to daylight or weather conditions.
What sets them apart is their ability to think outside of Japanese industry's tried and not-so-true practices, and embrace such ideas such as shareholder value and being customer-driven - the management buzzwords in thriving companies worldwide.
The major difference is that we mainly sell product that can easily be purchased online for cheaper and we are aware that our customers are here because they desire the added value that being able to see and try clothes brings.
There is value in being able to search for friends of friends who work at a company where you are gunning for a job, but while blindly contacting someone you've never met on LinkedIn is expected, it may be uncomfortable on a network of friends.