Japanese companies and financial institutions together own half of the shares by value on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Traders use earnings per share as a key measure to value companies listed on the stock exchange.
The continued fall in the value of the dollar on foreign exchange markets and against commodities in general and gold in particular are sure indicators that this is the leading edge of a breakout in inflation.
Over time business resale values tend to be similar to small-cap value companies that trade on the stock exchange.
Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and on the value of the dollar in exchange markets.
Outstanding margin loans total a paltry 1.5% of the value of shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Soon after Marconi was listed on the Nasdaq exchange, its share value fell sharply.
What would have been the impact on commodity prices and the foreign exchange value of the dollar if the Fed had increased the money supply by a factor of eight (rather than a factor of three) in a bit more than four years?
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As in other global exchanges, high-frequency trading has grown in importance and now constitutes 40% of the value of all trades on the Tokyo market, according to exchange figures, up from 20% in mid-2010.
In the end, negotiations settled on a bond exchange that will cut the face value of Greece's debt to private creditors by half.
All these ventures have to focus on the needs of their customers to provide a fair value in exchange for their products and services.
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On August 26th, the day after the attacks, the Mumbai stock exchange sharply rebounded, after losing 3% of its value on the day before.
In Diebold's case, like many others, his 401(k) plan appears to be contractually on the hook for any decline in the value of collateral received in exchange for the securities it lent out.
And since price rationing allows individualism through personal valuation the social engineers have even engrossed themselves into the manipulation of the medium of exchange, or the money that we use to place value on the goods, services, resources, investments, interest, and wages that are critical to an economy.
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The news, as well as further weakening of the yen's value, lifted shares in the troubled Japanese conglomerate 12% on the Tokyo stock exchange on Friday.
BBC: Sony sells Manhattan headquarters skyscraper for $1.1bn
Both firms are large enough to qualify for the FTSE 100, which lists the 100 most valuable firms on the London Stock Exchange, measured by looking at the combined value of all their shares.
CANTV's shares plunged: its American Depository Receipts, traded on the New York Stock Exchange, lost almost 40% of their value in two days.
But a closed end generally has a fixed number of shares, which trade on a stock exchange, where their prices can deviate from the underlying value of their holdings.
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The WSJ Dollar Index is an attempt to improve on existing indexes by basing its value on actual, up-to-date turnover by all participants in the foreign-exchange market.
Buy the fund and you are buying YPF even cheaper since the fund trades on the New York Stock Exchange at a 29% discount to net asset value.
That means that you must include in gross income on your federal income tax return the fair market value of goods and services received in exchange for goods or services you provide.
Margin loans may finance only 1.5% of the value of the New York Stock Exchange but prices are set by those in the market on a given day, among whom the margin men are concentrated.
In Watt's Latin America Equity fund, for example, you are getting shares of YPF, an integrated oil company in Argentina that trades at 6.5 times estimated cash flow (expected 1998 earnings plus depreciation). (The comparable ratio for Exxon is about twice that.) Buy the fund and you are buying YPF even cheaper, since the fund trades on the New York Stock Exchange at a 29% discount to net asset value.
At the same time, the European Central Bank agreed to exchange Greek government bonds it bought on the secondary market for less than their face value, provided the debt-restructuring talks succeed, according to people briefed on the negotiations.
But Europe's biggest stock exchange insisted it was keeping an open mind on all options best able to boost shareholder value.
But its stock isn't listed on an exchange, its redemption price is minimal, and it doesn't appreciate in value, according to the team's website.
The value of the real estate market is about 30 times larger than that of publicly traded real estate on the stock exchange.
Iberia executives at the Madrid stock exchange put a brave face on the stock's opening fall, saying the airline represented value for investors burned by the meltdown in tech stocks.
Analysts reckon that at least 15 of the 119 construction firms listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange are bust in all but name, as the value of their land holdings bought at the height of the bubble has plummeted and loans guaranteed to subsidiaries and property developers have turned sour.
The company evaluated the performance of eight reward-based crowdfunding platforms (where a donor receives a reward of value in exchange for a cash contribution) and six investment-based platforms (where investors receive equity or interest on their investment).
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