Once initiated, they run on auto-pilot without any effort to optimize the value received for the dollars expended.
In Diebold's case, like many others, his 401(k) plan appears to be contractually on the hook for any decline in the value of collateral received in exchange for the securities it lent out.
Taxes work when they remind the payers of the value being received for their money.
Croft Value received a B rating for both bull and bear markets in FORBES' most recent quarterly fund ratings.
Residents also felt that they received less value for money and lower levels of service provision for their council tax than urban and more densely populated areas.
On Tuesday, Beebe declined to name the value of the bonus he received for those negotiations.
Essentially, this is the yearly percentage change in cash value after adjusting for dividends received, premiums paid and the cost of the death coverage itself.
Hull BID said traders received "excellent value for the levy".
That means that you must include in gross income on your federal income tax return the fair market value of goods and services received in exchange for goods or services you provide.
Mr. Daugherty said he has "absolutely not" received anything of value from Mr. Conn or his associates for processing the lawyer's cases.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
Additionally, although the 2003 settlement agreement indicates the amount of cash Tucson agreed to pay for the fill, it does not value the other benefits Boone received.
FORBES: A Dirty Stinking Business And No Charitable Contribution
Golden State residents who had received the scrips were able to redeem them at banks for face value.
FORBES: Experts Agree: U.S. May Become A 'Simpsons' Episode And Need Platinum Coins Or IOUs
It includes outright gifts and charitable donations, sales of assets for less than fair market value (which constitute a transfer of the amount by which compensation received falls short of asset value), and forgiveness of debt.
Memo 2012-198 (2012), an S corporation failed to properly document a donated conservation easement because no contemporaneous acknowledgement was received by the donee indicating whether any value had been given to the donor in exchange for the contribution.
The company has received a lot of attention for its calls to break up the company and increase shareholder value.
FORBES: Questions for Jaguar Financial on their Research In Motion Activism
The value of the education, marketing, and training received through athletic scholarships exceeds the individual marginal revenue product for at least 90% of all student-athletes in Division I sports.
FORBES: Johnny Manziel, Ed O'Bannon, and Image/Branding Rights of College Athletes
Under PetroCaribe, members received generous terms for oil purchases, with payments as low as 5% of market value, and the remainder paid off through generous loan terms spread over 25 years.