Given that Taylor farms 10, 000 acres, from Vancouver Island down into Mexico, that is impressive testimony.
Nanaimo is located on Vancouver Island, which is also the home of Filip Filipi, 28.
Or, since the first flight will be from Toronto toVancouver, to the Roots Lodge on Vancouver Island.
The Cessna-185F floatplane nose-dived into the ocean near Vancouver Island in May 2010.
The Saanich Police Department on Vancouver Island said the incident took place on April 6 on a busy stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway.
One example is the government ferry company's scheme to build three car ferries to serve Vancouver Island and to revive the struggling shipbuilding industry.
This week its boats began scooping up all the fish they could round Vancouver Island that would otherwise be available for boats from Washington state.
Two F-15 fighter jets escorted the Boeing 777 to 19 Wing Comox on Vancouver Island because of a threat associated with the aircraft, a NORAD spokeswoman said.
CNN: Bomb threat causes emergency landing in British Columbia
Besides, some Canadians love nothing better than a storm: every winter tourists flock to the beaches of Vancouver Island expressly to watch them lashing in across the Pacific.
In British Columbia, that matters: there, apart from a few small areas (such as on Vancouver Island), natives never ceded their land by treaty and claim that nearly all the province is still theirs.
There are 196 wineries in British Columbia, ranging from small family-run operations on Vancouver Island to sprawling estates in the Okanagan Valley, and recent International Wine and Spirits Competition awards for local wineries like Mission Hill and Jackson-Triggs have put the area on par with other vino-heavyweights, such as France, South Africa and Argentina.
Earlier this month, a 52-year-old fisherman on Vancouver Island was badly mauled after a black bear swam over to his boat, scrambled on board and began attacking him, refusing to let go despite being repeatedly struck with a gaff, beaten with a hammer and stabbed with various sharp objects until a rescuer finally managed to slit its throat with a filleting knife.
As other cities continued building freeways that promoted driving and sprawl, Vancouver remained committed to urban living, as evidenced by the development of Granville Island, a pedestrian-friendly peninsula where residents frequent large public market and art studios.
So shark experts Neil Hammerschlag of the University of Miami in Florida, US, and Aiden Martin of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, decided to study the predatory habits of great white sharks hunting off Seal Island, in False Bay, South Africa.