• But countless dangers lurk: poisonous gases, flooded tunnels, explosive vapors and unstable walls and roofs.

    ENGADGET: Gemini-Scout robot can scope out mining accidents, may save lives (video)

  • There may be times where because of the situation you may want to use dispersants to reduce those vapors.

    WHITEHOUSE: Daily Press Briefing

  • Otherwise, they will shoot at us, they'll engage us, they'll conduct attacks and then they'll vanish like vapors in the wind.

    NPR: Iraq, U.S. Force Put Anti-Insurgent Focus on Mosul

  • Both involve heating organic materials in a vacuum until they break down into carbon and vapors that can be condensed into a low-grade fuel oil.

    FORBES: KissyKat And The Magic Diesel

  • The wind gains strength from the thermal energy of the ocean, eventually condensing vapors and circulating air fast enough to form high-speed wind and heavy rain.

    CNN: graphic

  • And Wall Street had its own case of the vapors a few weeks ago, as traders briefly panicked over sagging prospects in both the U.S. and Europe.

    FORBES: A Grim Prognosis For Deficit Reduction

  • Not long ago, the Red Sox were a team of irresistible scruff-balls, now there is back-biting and snippiness and the acrid vapors of high expectations failing to be met.

    WSJ: The Zombie Red Sox Trudge On - Jason Gay

  • Like Earth, Titan's atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, but the liquids and vapors on the moon's surface are made of methane and other organic chemicals integral to the creation of complex life.


  • Tebow-Mania is down to its final vapors.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Adjusting to Life Without Tebow

  • If you notice signs of insects, including flying moths or insect droppings, you might want to call an exterminator who will set traps to catch insects and larvae but don't use traditional mothballs, which can give off toxic vapors.

    WSJ: Ask Teri: How to Keep Moths From Eating Sweaters

  • It was empty at the time of the blast, but a spark ignited a buildup of natural gas vapors, causing an explosion that caused a second barge to catch fire, CNN affiliate WALA TV reported, citing Coast Guard Lt.


  • That was to put down volatile organic compounds that were coming up out of the oil that was sitting around the ship that was actually producing -- there actually is a threat to personal safety and health there on those vapors.

    WHITEHOUSE: Daily Press Briefing

  • Perhaps the message of jihad is so strong that young Muslim men can be inspired to shoot pregnant women in office buildings after the notion of murder for Allah enters the transoms of their minds independently of other outside factors - through vapors or spontaneous generation perhaps.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Jihadis' campus collaborators

  • The mountains shimmer blue when the sun hits the eucalyptus vapors from the trees, at night, the dense star patterns of the Southern Hemisphere sky also shimmer in the clearest skies, and crossing the path to your cottage at night, you may well encounter a wombat, wallaby or kangaroo the 4000 acres are filled with them.

    FORBES: Australia Ups Its Luxury Level With Posh Hotels And Nature Retreats

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