Various artists, including David Bowie and REM, have admitted to being inspired by them.
"As we finished the songs with the various artists, we started to notice some interesting patterns, " Burton says.
While the awards seemed spread out across various artists this year when compared to 2012, one nominee who came away empty-handed was Chris Brown.
She said various artists had expressed an interest in taking part in the concert, which would be held around the same time as a memorial for Mr Gibb.
Curt Worden, who directed One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Kerouac's Big Sur, uses various artists, including Tom Waits, John Ventimiglia and Patti Smith, to voice Kerouac's prose.
Nearby, the waterfront Socrates Sculpture Park displays work outdoors by various contemporary artists.
As the music industry continued to struggle in 2012 more musicians and labels began exploring other avenues for producing and releasing music: Among the various available options some artists opted to release their music for free or as a pay-what-you-want download.
Soon judges will force them into various genres and the catalogs of specific artists.
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Many of the artists he invited had made recordings for various classical labels, but when they performed in Hong Kong, they were dismayed that they could not find their recordings in the shops.
"Because of my love of sports, it was a natural progression to form a company where we can help top athletes in various sports the same way we have been helping artists in the music industry for years, " Carter said.
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For the past few years, a number of artists have taken QR codes to the streets in various ways.
"File names often do not distinctly identify the artist, the song, the title, or whether the music is from a CD (in which the Plaintiff recording companies may own the rights) or a recording of live concert (which many artists allow to be freely circulated widely and in various media for promotional reasons), " the brief stated.