Dr Huppert asked the Mr Alexander about the VAT paid by sixth form colleges and further education colleges in 2012.
He accused of using a scheme where goods are sold with VAT charged but not paid and then the VAT is claimed back.
Value added tax (VAT) is paid whenever you buy goods or a service.
Bedesha was one of seven men, most of whom were from the West Midlands, who were convicted of defrauding HMRC in a complex scheme involving submitting VAT credit claims when no VAT had been paid for the goods.
BBC: Dubai-based VAT fraudster faces extra 10-year jail term
Instead, the VAT holiday would be paid for by interest charged on the deferred tax, and the national-insurance cut would be funded by ditching various reliefs and allowances.
The lawyer, who specialised in financial disputes, professional negligence and insurance cases, had told the court he was not motivated by money and that he believed his legal chambers paid his VAT.
Now that particular part is true: weirdly, VAT on digital goods is paid at point of dispatch, not delivery.
However British National Party MEP Andrew Brons called for VAT to be scrapped and replaced with a local sales tax, claiming that VAT was a "regressive" tax, paid disproportionately by the less well-off.
So far only one Lib Dem MP, Bob Russell, has publicly suggested he might vote against the Budget, as the party had campaigned against VAT increases at the election because "the low paid disproportionately pay more".
In the event, they have settled for banning sales of drink for less than the tax paid on it (alcohol duty, plus VAT, a consumption tax).
It urged ministers to support the authorities in developing nations to improve the collection rates of income tax, VAT and local property taxes and to ensure governing elites paid their fair share.
The Treasury announced on Saturday that VAT on charity concerts and records for the Asian tsunami disaster would be paid back to the appeal.