To witness its vaulted roof and Romanesque frescoed apses glow in such brilliance is like entering heaven itself.
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She craned her neck to look up at the vaulted roof, which was helmeted by two blue cupolas.
NEWYORKER: The Repatriates
The vaulted roof made from crisscrossed arches shields the outdoor kennels, which run alongside the box of an office.
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It was a Eureka-like moment for Mr. Buren who had spent several fruitless months trying to find a way to create something that wouldn't be utterly overwhelmed by the volume of the Grand Palais' nave and its massive glass, barrel-vaulted roof.
WSJ: Daniel Buren's Bright Periphery | 'Excentrique(s) Travail In Situ' at the Grand Palais in Paris
They discovered a brick built roof of a vaulted structure.
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