Beekeepers, meantime, are shaking out their white cotton coveralls, netted veils and gauntlet-style gloves.
On election day, women voted separately, and almost all of them wore full veils or metal masks.
The idea of an Islamist takeover terrifies Tunisia's liberal-minded middle-class, which eschews veils and beards and suchlike.
We are often told that, in art, sex must keep a few veils on in order to be sexy.
For years when they appeared in public, the children wore veils or masks.
It was autumn in the wide oasis of Kashgaria, and in those weeks the great mountains were hidden behind veils of haze.
In Cairo young women match the colour of their veils with that of their tunics, handbags, make-up and shoes.
And the women, despite wearing long veils and peering through netting, pirouetted in their perfumes like gusts of warm air.
These colored veils shimmer in the slightest breeze, and retain their strange power to impart feelings of tranquillity and serenity.
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In plush shopping malls, tight jeans vie with veils, just as on Kuwait's airwaves blaring pop clashes with Koranic recitation.
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It will also sell bridal accessories (veils, jewelry, shoes, etc.), unique lace pieces by textile historian Pat Kerr and bed jackets.
But George's mother had appeared, Ann Spaulding, a handsome older woman sporting veils and a medieval hennin, a conical kind of hat.
Parishioners are few, mostly elderly women found with veils on their heads.
Shoulder-length headscarves, common elsewhere in the Arab world, were seldom seen in Iraq except on Palestinian women (so they were called Palestinian veils).
Women in black robes, many with pro-Saleh visors yanked over their veils, poured into the city's biggest stadium through a specially designated gate.
There are no veils, curtains or walls in a changing room because every team has a player who will call a spade a spade.
It was that sort of thinking that propelled Kemal Ataturk to urge Turkey's women to cast off their veils more than 70 years ago.
One of their greatest challenges, however, is seeing through thick veils of smoke and walls of flame to find people in need of rescue.
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Swathes of dense sea-fog wrap around the Golden Gate Bridge, concealing and revealing the city of San Francisco like a colossal, beguiling Dance of the Seven Veils.
Hastings Maloya, a civil rights activists, said the ruling could also pave the way for Muslim women to be allowed to wear veils to school.
The beehive wearers flout this convention by piling their locks straight upward from the forehead, sometimes nearly a foot high, with their veils perched precariously on top.
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The darling buds of April have shaken off their veils of snow, and you, dear reader, have done likewise with your veils of fleece and SAD-induced despair.
In fact, they meet shoppers returning, the forlorn expressions of the women swathed from head to toe in cheap veils evident, on occasion with only their eyes and hands showing.
It was the first time they had heard from a girl who, along with her two siblings, have often been hidden by veils or blankets when seen with their father.
Mr Hollande also said he would be firm on demands made by the Muslim community, saying he supported France's ban on face-covering veils and would not allow separate hours in swimming pools for men and women.
On Monday night at Amici, a bar popular among young, moneyed Egyptians, free shots were available to women in veils and men wearing the djellaba, the traditional robe warn by rural Egyptians as well as many conservative Islamists.
For instance, one way to pay for bringing the uninsured into the health-care system (a noble Democratic priority) is to scrap a distorting tax-deduction that veils the true cost of health insurance, a policy espoused by John McCain last year.