Here, the tax pain is the result of legislative sausage making at its most venal.
Crowded Haiti has long suffered from squabbling and venal politicians, extreme inequality and ecological stress.
This does not suggest that colleges and universities are engaged in either collusive or venal behavior.
The only alternatives are autopsies of companies gone bad, in which stupid and venal bosses ruin everything.
Dianne Feinstein, D-California, said the tapes point to the "malevolent, malicious (and) venal" nature of al Qaeda.
The question insinuates that anyone who has received money from an oil company is venal and untrustworthy.
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By Russian standards, this was a venial venal sin, if sin at all.
Culture used to play a poor court jester in a territory where commerce is king and venal is vogue.
As an optimist and inveterate people lover, I refuse to accept the cynical explanation that people are just venal hypocrites.
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Attempts continue to lure the other main party in the Cardoso coalition, the venal and faction-ridden Brazilian Democratic Movement, into Lula's government.
He is the man of unbending principle, not a venal office-seeker.
Pheu Thai is more likely to win a plurality than a clear majority and then try to entice a few small, venal parties into a governing coalition.
If I hadn't been made by fate to call hoboing a venal sin, there's no place I'd rather have been than sitting by the tracks waiting for my next ride.
He laments that the administration has abandoned the high principles that America set with the Nuremberg tribunals, which accorded even the most venal and reprehensible Nazis open and fair trials.
Frequently, the servicing broker (particularly when not a named respondent or defendant in a proceeding) insists that he or she is an innocent being wrongly accused by a venal, disgruntled customer.
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In Ireland, where venal politicians granted tax breaks to home builders, joblessness rests in the mid-teens and the landscape is littered forlornly with unoccupied, pretentious homes in decay with no takers.
One presidential contender who may already have been knocked out of the game is Pavlo Lazarenko, whose reign as prime minister from 1996 to 1997 was venal even by Ukrainian standards.
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So in reality the suggestion is that if the politicians are so incompetent or venal that they bankrupt the country then the EU is going to some along and take even more off the taxpayers?
As academic evidence mounts that graft deters investment and economic growth, aid agencies tie their largesse more directly to clean government, and citizens from Argentina to Indonesia demand less venal politicians, no country can afford to ignore its reputation for corruption.
"I think they have an opportunity to say to the people of this state, look, we can't stop people from doing bad and venal and stupid things, disgusting things, but when confronted with the knowledge, we can act firmly and effectively, " he said.
The losers have been pension funds whose future returns will be curbed by all those deals that shouldn't have been done, all those businesses that shouldn't have been started, and all that money that has been paid to venal people who have bilked them for all they could.
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