Strategery represented a flimsy veneer of forethought over a largely reactive and often ineffective game-plan.
Suddenly, they are in her apartment, and the veneer of normality is soon losing its glow.
All this junk food with a veneer of virtue is enough to turn Michael Jacobson's stomach.
The veneer of fractured ice over the Arctic Ocean is changing, disintegrating before my eyes.
But the content of this particular article rules out even the veneer of objectivity.
Goldman Sachs' ethics and its ethos are intertwined, but now the veneer has been breached.
People put up with just the veneer of it provided governments continued to deliver increasing wealth.
Anti-dumping is a particularly pernicious form of protection, because it lurks beneath a veneer of respectability.
"Walk into a car dealer now, and that whole veneer of obnoxiousness is gone, " Ritholtz says.
An array of vibrant colours and oversized, abstract characters cover Kelburn, bringing a thoroughly modern veneer to the 13th-century building.
It only assumed a veneer of credibility because it was stamped with the imprimatur of his profession.
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The wonder may be that Lebanon has held together at all, and even maintained a veneer of democracy.
His rejection of any foundational economic principles may have a veneer of humility.
Analysts say that silence allows Israel to maintain a veneer of deniability and eases pressure on enemies to retaliate.
Nearly everything discussed or written is but a thin veneer over the truth.
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The key to success in the luxury-car market seems to be to combine a reliable German motor and a lustrous British veneer.
"Making these changes to strip away the veneer only encourages applicants to prepare more, " says Scott Shrum, director of M.
Golkar, which formerly gave a veneer of legitimacy to Indonesia's long-entrenched tyrant, General Suharto, is an organisation famed for infighting.
Behind Lebanon's veneer of sophistication, half a dozen political dynasties still dominate the scene, doling out patronage and divvying up concessions.
The sprouting of fancy shopping centres, yacht marinas and housing developments along Tunisia's breezy coast provided a shiny veneer of prosperity.
"Now courts are much better at recognizing how behavior can be anticompetitive even if it's characterized by a pro-competitive veneer, " Balto says.
The cleverness of the Daily Mail is to combine tabloid froth with a veneer of smartness that has been beyond the Express.
There was the eco-tastic choice of materials for the Model S, like the compressed banana leaf veneer for your door and dashboard.
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Take away Jeter and Rivera and the veneer of greatness is gone.
Others stoop to buying followers to puff up the veneer of influence.
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If it serves as a wake up call, it should be to the fact that the veneer of civilization can be terrifyingly thin.
Birds-eye figure is (surprise) a grain pattern reminiscent of hundreds of small bird's eyes scattered across the face of a board or veneer.
Its cherry veneer, framed with maple, is decorated with porcupine quillwork, more conventionally used to embellish hides or birch bark, not solid wood.
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It will not work to simply layer a veneer of small business on the existing structure and expect it to have the necessary impact.
The GL's 2013 updating brings along Mercedes's current spread-wing dash design, with standard Eucalyptus or optional burled-walnut wood veneer flowing into the doors' wainscoting.
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