But under the verbiage is a fully developed ontology of humour based on psychographics, not demographics.
The three letters all contained "the same verbiage, font, style and paper color, " it says.
As goes the foreign verbiage and engagement so goes the domestic engagement of Muslim organizations.
As with health care last year, there has been a lot of verbiage and not much steel.
"People paid more attention to the Fed's verbiage than the action, " said analyst Cleveland Rueckert of Birinyi Associates.
And here's the best bit of verbiage out of this very long report.
And their sales pitches--ahem, analysts' reports--frequently just condense the legal verbiage of a prospectus some even helped to write.
Then there is a subtle change of perception, or at least of verbiage, about Mr Haider in Vienna these days.
The media and public both place inappropriate emphasis on fashion choices, personal lives and find emotional verbiage to describe their many attributes.
In typical Ali-style verbiage, he puts himself forward as the obvious choice.
And realist claims to the contrary, most readers do not want to be depressed or made to read acres of unattractive and banal verbiage.
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Instead the antitrust industry extracts concessions, promises and the like with pro-consumer, bureau-as-savior verbiage while in reality shoring up rivals and high-fiving the antitrust bar, probably over beers.
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There was a lot of verbiage tossed around about the dangers of deep-water drilling, that no one had any experience with this kind of thing, yada, yada, yada.
More broadly, the tortuous verbiage of Internet analysts rings hollow.
France's revolutionaries went much further socially, and in populist verbiage.
In this case, the court ruled that warnings linking the anti-acne drug Accutane with severe bowel conditions were buried in 3, 000 words of other verbiage about other possible side effects.
The irony is that a fascination with verbiage risks luring Republicans into the same delusion that once snared Mr Obama, namely a belief in the magical powers of presidential speech.
Asking should be removed from verbiage used by advisors.
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The attorneys who specialize in takeover litigation are already at their computers cutting and pasting verbiage from lawsuits past to assemble cases they can race to the courthouse to get control, or at least a lucrative piece of, the inevitable settlement.
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