Old Bailey judge Mr Justice Mackay ordered that a verdict of not guilty should be entered on a charge of corporate manslaughter.
Earlier Judge Burr explained to the jury that eight of the charges were being withdrawn and they would in time be directed to return a verdict of not guilty on each.
Henceforth a verdict of "Not guilty" means that we'll just have to wait and see what further evidence emerges or can be manufactured by the long and unremitting arm of the law.
And all's well since it is growing better and when I go for a trial for the things done on earth, I think I'll get a verdict of 'not guilty' through my efforts to make the earth a little better than I found it.
Now, under the same circumstances, if you don't want to revamp the system because of a guilty verdict, why should you want to revamp it because of a not guilty verdict?
And given that doubt over the precise series of events, the judge said the only verdict could be one of not guilty.
Kilpatrick wore a surprised, puzzled look at times as U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds read the jury's verdict: guilty of 24 charges, not guilty on three and no consensus on three more.
Neither of these did happen because of course the verdict was not guilty and the article which had been prepared was not going to be used, thus no point in updating it.
One idea, based on the ideas of Joseph Isenbergh, a professor at the University of Chicago, is that a guilty verdict does not automatically require removal from office.
The collapse of the case also meant a not guilty verdict being returned on Mr Stobie over Mr Lambert's murder.
Gerald Lefcourt, Ms. Hou's attorney, described the verdict as "unjust" and said his client was not guilty of any crimes.
Simpson juror Brenda Moran explained why the panel of nine blacks, two whites and one Hispanic returned a not guilty verdict in less than four hours Monday after a double murder trial that lasted nearly nine months.
Another member of the defense team also put a not guilty spin on the fast verdict saying to find him guilty would require them to spend time debating whether it was first degree murder, second degree or a combination of both.