Money, which had really not featured in the British demarcation of social class, became very important.
Keeping this issue alive at the international level at the UN Security Council is very important.
Ms Cadell said it is still "very important" for women to receive the vaccine after delivery.
Student-founded alumni groups play a very important role in recruiting students to attend their alma maters.
Why am I going on about this now 5 year old, not very important thing?
You want to know, it's very important, how the child is progressing prior to that immunization.
Certainly in California, Florida, Michigan, this is very important, but it's also important for the economy.
The survey found that 94 percent said (demonstrating value to payers ) was very important.
It's tough when you can't play at 100% in a very important tournament like this.
When you're not winning matches you lose confidence and that's a very important thing in tennis.
And a 58% majority says it is very important to build a stronger relationship with China.
"Junction 24 is very important for the region, but it's almost up to capacity, " she added.
BBC: New rail/road 'inland port' to boost East Mids economy?
As readers of The Contrarian Take know, this is a very important question.
If your manager wants to have a one-on-one meeting, then it is obviously very important.
If (when) Apple introduces its iWatch, it will be very important for three reasons.
Nonetheless, the Cavaliers are having a great year by one very important metric: profitability.
He isn't a comedian, he's somebody in the midst of a very important emergency.
The Peace and Security Council I expect will have a very important role to play.
Things like that are all very important if I want to be the best.
It's very important to see what you want to do and go for it.
That is where our involvement in the Science Without Borders program is so very important.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Rousseff of Brazil | The White House
Engaging a customer base is of course a very important part of social media.
FORBES: Engagement Marketing Fever - Are Marketers Finally Catching It?
With Zetia, Schering's laboratories have given Kogan what could be a very important medicine.
One of the things that is very important in discussing Iran is not to mix issues.
And that is also a very important piece of news for younger women with breast cancer.
Parliament has passed two bills which could reshape our politics in a very important way.
"This is a very important win for the Egyptian team and for all Egyptians, " Hassan said.
"Stabilizing is a very important first step, " Bernanke said to committee chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND).
The Catholic Health Association, the order of nuns support -- I think is very important.
We need to make some very important investments in education, in infrastructure, in research and development.