Despite the overhaul of the federal system, state premiers still have substantial veto power.
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The United States, Britain, France, Russia and China hold permanent seats on the council with veto power.
In Britain, the Financial Services Authority has been given veto power over the nominees to big bank boards.
Vermont wrested its unique veto power from Entergy in a roundabout way when Entergy acquired the plant in 2004.
The French like the idea of countries retaining veto power in certain areas.
Both countries have veto power in the Security Council and have opposed international efforts to effect change in Syria.
The Spanish government, once the owner of both Repsol and Endesa, maintains veto power over acquisitions by both companies.
They are unlikely to unite as a coherent third force of politics, but have great veto power over national matters.
What vexes Prodi and other big-government types is that individual nations still have veto power over a number of issues, most particularly taxation.
The five permanent members of the Security Council - Russia, China, France, Britain and the United States -- have veto power.
The new president would have to hew to one rule: Wall Street would likely have veto power over any Fed chairman decision.
What vexes Prodi and other big-government types is that individual nations still have veto power over a number of issues, particularly taxation.
The government will install new management and will have veto power over all important decisions, including asset sales and payment of dividends.
The effect of local veto power has recently come under fire after a series of local projects were halted after years of delays.
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He and his family wanted a stake of at least one third in the new group to ensure veto power on key decisions.
In gold writing on purple parchment, the 10th-century Holy Roman Emperor Otto I asserts his veto power over the election of new pontiffs.
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How can a legislative body--at the local, state, federal or international level--have any chance of passing workable legislation when single legislators hold veto power?
Under Pulliam's trust, widow Nina had veto power, which she may have used to block some company expansion efforts until she died in 1997.
After a six month standoff, Shell backed down, demonstrating that non-traditional corporate stakeholders were gaining influence and could even veto power over executive decisions.
FORBES: Part I in a CSR Series: Corporate Citizenship in a Global Economy
The new company set up two different management boards, one each in London and Amsterdam, with both local bosses exercising veto power over the other.
To avoid using his veto power, Mr Ramos-Horta says he sent the laws back to parliament instead and called for them to be made clearer.
The new company set up two different management boards, one in London and one in Amsterdam, with each local boss having veto power over the other.
As for delegation, Dennis today runs none of his companies, having appointed himself chairman with veto power over such decisions as board appointments, executive salaries and acquisitions.
Burns said the United States also may back adding two or three nonpermanent seats to the council but said no new members should be granted the veto power.
Yet, so far, regional military leaders seem to have won only a modicum of veto power over what their men can be told to do, not full control.
Technology firms counter that to restrict companies according to how their technology is used by customers would hand media firms a veto power over technical innovation any time it seems to threaten their interests.
If Britain fails to discourage a Lafontaine-inspired push for tax harmonisation when Germany takes over the presidency of the European Union in six months' time, it can always fall back on its veto power.