More recently, the party has chosen strategic silence on the vexed question of gun rights.
ECONOMIST: The Republicans could learn a lot from the Democrats
That leaves the vexed question of how, and how much, to pay top bosses.
The vexed question of whether organic farming offers significant benefits over conventional methods has been raging on for years.
Mr Powell also returned to the vexed question of Iraqi imports of high-specification aluminium tubes.
Yet the attempt on Mr Mubarak's life the fourth on record again raised the vexed question of the succession.
The vexed question of the disarmament of paramilitary groups, known as decommissioning, still has to be resolved.
The centenary celebrations of Camus's birth have been disrupted by disagreements traceable to the old vexed question of Algeria.
Then there is the absurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift.
ECONOMIST: Some easy ways for the government to encourage more giving
I've talked before - and at length - about the vexed question of Britain's slow productivity growth during this recovery.
It was the vexed question of exactly who would determine when war could begin that had led to all the diplomatic back-and-forth.
They concern the vexed question of what the universe is made of.
They raise the vexed question of compensation: not just money, but the promise of different legal treatment, including the right to sue for redress.
The president's undisputed conservative credentials might also make him better able to rally backing for any future concessions on the vexed question of Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Making that question yet more vexed, the Israeli government is considering a non-binding referendum on America's proposal for a small, staged withdrawal from the West Bank.
Plus, Rupert Murdoch appears to have settled the succession question, which has vexed the market, and anointed son James.
But he described the "emotive and vexed" land issue as "the last colonial question which heavily qualifies our sovereignity".
Yet the question of what is natural is no less vexed than that of what is fair.