There were so many bees in the air that it seemed to be vibrating.
Dr Sallis is advising children to exercise caution and moderation when using these vibrating games.
As we sat down to write this, the cell phone began vibrating against the desk.
Vibrating screens sift out organic particles which are then sold as manure for land in agriculture.
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We had quarters for the vibrating bed, a cheap camera to document our glee.
The device was on overdrive, constantly lighting up and vibrating with an influx of texts and calls.
Since each vibrating actuator is independently controlled, the pad can deliver a myriad of rich sensations simultaneously.
That discovery sparked the development of "Buzzy, " a toylike vibrating bee fitted with a tiny ice pack.
One is to change the length of the tube, and thus the length of the vibrating air column.
Earlier, Snow Patrol frontman Gary Lightbody had said Belfast was "literally vibrating with joy" at staging the event.
Lynette Jones heads a team who are developing a vibrating vest that writes messages on its wearer's back.
The process involves freezing a corpse with liquid nitrogen, then vibrating it to reduce the body to powder.
In a meeting today, my phone started vibrating so much that I feared it was having a seizure.
The vibrating alarm device and handsets with the built-in transmitter will be shipping later this year, Alcatel said.
CNN: Technology - Alcatel personalizes vibrating phone alerts
The uniqueness is what makes everything possible, from conducting metals to fluorescing coatings, from vibrating membranes to radio waves.
"Tubes are vibrating and rubbing against adjacent tubes and against support structures inside the steam generators, " the agency noted.
It seemed as though my phone was vibrating every five seconds or so.
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With two minutes to spare, vibrating with nerves, he made it through check-in.
But not all jade bracelets resonate - only translucent jade, which comes from the water, will produce a vibrating frequency.
Sixteen small vibrating motors are embedded in the back connected to a control unit on the side of the vest.
He was getting ready, vibrating with anticipation, when Bridey told him that a tennis-playing senior named Monty had invited her.
Without the heat turned up enough, you again risk throwing the whole process off, particularly when the printer is vibrating wildly.
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"My house started vibrating, and the pictures on the wall started shaking, and then I heard two sonic booms, " she said.
She is attempting to train several tame elephants to respond to such signals by shutting them inside a gently vibrating truck.
The headphones also feature COM-Ti Membrane Vibrating Technology which makes the treble pure and bright while keeping the bass mellow and thick.
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The team was using what is called a dynamic microphone, which picks up sound using a heavy, vibrating diaphragm about 1-inch around.
For some reason, a string is plucked and it never stops vibrating.
Cheaper options, like walking around the room asking for a backrub or buying one of those old-fashioned vibrating back massagers, are still available.
They were rock drillers who worked at the dangerous depths of the mine, their bodies vibrating for the duration of their eight-hour shifts.
The Audible Pairing Assistance feature reveals the connection status when another device is connected, while Vibrating Call Alert notifies the user of incoming calls.
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