This vicarious or secondary traumatic stress is relatively rare, but "we've all identified it, " he said.
Invoking a concept called "vicarious liability, " the woman's lawyer asked the court to make Chase pay up.
Children of all ages build empathy and a storehouse of emotional readiness through vicarious experiences gained while reading.
Other examples of vicarious abusive supervision are hearing of rumors of abusive behaviors and reading about them in emails.
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Writing in Reason magazine, Gregory Benford correlated public interest in space exploration with a natural desire for vicarious adventure.
If you park your brain outside, and double-park any misgivings about vicarious gun mayhem right alongside, it's passable fun.
Any minor shift in outlook -- including a little vicarious creek jumping -- can make a dismal picture less dispiriting.
But vicarious trauma goes beyond that, said Dr. Frank Ochberg, former associate director of the National Institute of Mental Health.
Over the following few days the Times insisted that the plan for the league was not vicarious nor was it untrue.
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They may be more satisfied with their own reality and find it more intriguing and stimulating than vicarious experiences of others.
Some people who are subject to vicarious trauma actually see the crash scene in the media and actively put themselves in the scenario.
The series thus satisfies a secret or vicarious longing for elegance without imposing the hard work that's necessary to achieve it in reality.
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Vicarious liability laws have been around for decades, intended to make car owners be careful who they let operate what amounts to a dangerous instrument.
Developer Vicarious Visions really makes the Skylander experience, which is often slow-paced on home consoles, a thrilling ride filled with leaps, double-jumps, and crazy falls.
Football and basketball deliver the vicarious experience of warlike tribal conflict.
But Mr Arafat will have to come to terms with the inescapable fact that his vicarious involvement in the Israeli political process has become more crucial than ever.
Andy Robertson has an interview with Vicarious Visions and a rundown of some of the new toys here, so be sure to check that out as well.
He said he would be investigating the evidence to assess whether the BBC had "vicarious liability", which means responsibility for the "misdeeds of Mr Hall as a BBC employee".
"Desire" is blessedly free of the burning deserts and first-person fantasies of manipulative or murderous mothers that made listening to "To Bring You My Love" feel like a vicarious psychological collapse.
The authors recommend that people in management positions take a good look at the effects of their management styles, making a point to learn about abusive supervision as well as the vicarious variety.
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The symptoms of vicarious trauma -- stress, social withdrawal, sensitization to televised violence -- are not enough to make people violent themselves, said Barbara Rothbaum, director of the Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program at Emory Medical School.
The symptoms of vicarious trauma, also called secondary traumatic stress, parallel those of direct trauma, said Laurie Anne Pearlman, former president of the Trauma Research, Education, and Training Institute Inc. and author of several books about vicarious trauma.
Perhaps the poor economy continues to draw the idle and unemployed, with pawning and trash picking offering viewers a vicarious chance at quick cash, while armchair adventurers get their fix with programs devoted to monsters, aliens and conspiracies.
This year, Activision's in-house studio Vicarious Visions (known for working on powerhouses like Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk Pro Skater previously) is taking the series in another direction, keeping original Skylanders, the second game's Giants, and adding a new twist in swappable characters.
With Skylanders Swap Force being in the hands of Vicarious Visions this year it will be interested to see how they passed (or shared) the mantle of head character designer between them and Toys for Bob, particularly for the Series 3 reposed versions of existing figures.
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