Some even accuse Liesel of vicariously reliving her mother Irene's acrimonious divorce from her father, Robert.
The final step is to vicariously or directly experience a leadership moment of a mentor or peer.
Symbid confirms that their investors want to live vicariously through the efforts and innovation of the issuers.
FORBES: 2013: What's In Store For Crowdfunding And Angel Investors
The Forbes 2013 World Billionaires List goes live next week and that will have many folks living vicariously.
But I can live vicariously through their adventures and pick up a few management tips along the way.
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Each time I send a couple out, I experience vicariously the thrill and terror of the first date.
It's quite nice to feel afraid vicariously and then have it all tied up neatly at the end.
It claims it can not be held vicariously responsible because there was no formal employment relationship with its priests.
The judge ruled the diocese "may be vicariously liable" for his actions.
The preferred option is to sue the organisation on the basis that they were vicariously liable for the acts of the abuser.
Living vicariously through these books, I felt like an observer peering into a rapid-fire culture of high antes, big deals and even bigger egos.
There has never been a better time to be an art aficionado than right now, because there have never been more opportunities to experience art vicariously.
FORBES: 100 Museums A Year? Your Global Art Itinerary Is Here
One was that haute couture, hitherto available only to the very rich or vicariously through magazines and newspapers, should be sold worldwide in ready-to-wear shops at a fraction of the posh price.
ECONOMIST: Yves Saint Laurent, couturier, died on June 1st, aged 71
Two marriages were undertaken, three children vicariously produced.
ECONOMIST: Michael Jackson, pop star, died on June 25th, aged 50
At this level, the group can be viewed as a superorganism, with each individual being a sensory and motor organ of the whole, contributing to the well being of the group and sharing vicariously in its collective experience.
FORBES: The Black Friday Experiment: Mind Control and Mass Hysteria Gone Viral
It turned out that both abusive and vicariously abusive supervision had similar impacts on employees, with both forms leading to more job frustration, a greater likelihood of coworkers abusing one another, and a greater lack of confidence in the company as a whole.
FORBES: The 'Dark Side' Of Leadership: The Impact Of A Bad Boss Can Go Viral Though The Office