Schmittlein, a faculty member at Wharton since 1980, as the school's first vice dean of global initiatives and branding.
Professor VALERIE S. FOLKES (Vice Dean for Undergraduate Students, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California): Thank you.
That possibility inspired Ms. Dai, the translator, an associate professor and vice dean of the department of Chinese language and literature at Fudan University in Shanghai.
WSJ: 'Finnegans Wake' Is Greek to Many; Now Imagine It in Chinese
Howard Kaufold, vice dean of the Wharton MBA for Executives program, says a typical EMBA student would be an engineer in their late 20s or early 30s.
At NYU Langone, officials will consider waterproofing strategies for one building that houses mice underground and they are working on "an aggressive evacuation plan, " said Dafna Bar-Sagi, the center's vice dean for science.
"If you read the statute carefully, it literally creates an obligation for all law enforcement agencies to determine status of individuals, " said Marc Miller, a vice dean and law professor at the University of Arizona.
Krueger, of New Jersey, to be a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers, vice Austan Dean Goolsbee, resigned.
He was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Advocates from 1983 to 1992.
Dr Michael Williams, vice president and dean of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology, said the cause of Lisa's death had not been confirmed and expressed condolences to her family.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow and West | Radiation overdose teenager dies
One female university professor reported in an interview that she had never met her dean and vice versa.
Fellow historian, vice-president and dean of the faculty of humanities Professor Keith Brown, said that Mr Wood would bring the university "his expertise in making history accessible to the public".
BBC: TV historian Michael Wood to join University of Manchester
"Let's say you make a drive go 25 yards shorter by aerodynamics, " said Dean Snell, TaylorMade's vice president for golf-ball research and development.
WSJ: Why a Ball Rollback Might Not Fly | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Wireless technology company Qualcomm pursued a two-pronged strategy in the auction, said Dean Brenner, Qualcomm's vice president of government affairs in an interview with
When I became a vice chairman, I positioned myself to be an associate dean of the medical school.
"Our customers really wanted it, " said Dean Peters, International Dairy Queen's associate vice president of communications.
On Friday, Dean left open the possibility he would accept a vice presidential nomination on a Democratic presidential ticket, a move that is unusual for candidates seeking to appear presidential.
Cairo, who is also a county Republican committee first vice chairman, said he has spoken to Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos of Nassau County about the proposal, which has quietly been discussed for months in Albany.
Barry Bluestone, a dean at Northeastern University in Boston, is the son of a former vice-president of the United Auto Workers (UAW).
Dean stunned the Democratic establishment last month when he won the backing of former Vice President Al Gore.
The group's current chairman is Joseph A. DiAngelo, dean at the business school at Saint Joseph's University, and its vice-chair, Robert S. Sullivan, heads the business school at University of California, San Diego.