Almost a fifth of prisoners feel unsafe and there are high levels of victimisation and bullying.
BBC: Moorland Prison criticised over handling of sex offenders
Those with a head of household aged 65-74 had the lowest burglary victimisation rate (0.9%).
BBC: Cracking crime in NI
The existing provisions would remain only for cases of alleged discrimination or victimisation.
ECONOMIST: Italy��s reforms
Common sense has to prevail, but the victimisation of smokers by the media and the government has got to stop.
In addition to reducing victimisation, especially of the vulnerable, the coalition government wants to devolve responsibility for local misconduct to local communities.
ECONOMIST: Some new tools for fighting yobs, and fresh questions
Ms McGeady then brought another case alleging victimisation in August 2010.
BBC: North West Regional College
Peter Herbert, a judge and chairman of the Society of Black Lawyers, also called for an independent inquiry into the "apparent bias, victimisation and institutional racism" driving the investigation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Cleared officer slams 'witch-hunt'
Women (16%) were also more likely to be victims than men (11%) with people living in Belfast also reporting a higher rate of victimisation than other parts of Northern Ireland.
BBC: A figure of ?3bn is estimated to be the cost to employers
In reality, America's incarceration rate increased nearly ten fold between 1973 and 2000 at a time when, according to the Census Bureau's National Crime Victimisation Survey, the crime rate was relatively flat or falling.
ECONOMIST: America behind bars
Yet they know that Mr Hussein's capacity to undermine them lies not just in his readiness to use weapons of mass destruction but also in his claims to Arab leadership through the exploitation of the Arab sense of victimisation and despair.
ECONOMIST: America the unmighty
"Shockingly, it revealed that nearly half (49%) of those who raised concerns said their employer took no action and one in two (50%) nurses based in Northern Ireland said worries about victimisation or reprisals would make them think twice about whistle-blowing, " she said.
BBC: Nurses working in 'culture of fear' says union