Philip Gomm, from Thames Valley Crimestoppers, said illegal tobacco trading was misconceived as a "victimless crime".
"Across the police there is a growing recognition that heritage crime is not victimless, " he said.
That lack of moral compass is where the notion of a "victimless crime" comes in.
Ofcom's head of investigations, Paul Mercer, told BBC News that pirate radio was not a victimless crime.
Lake most assuredly won't buy the "victimless crime" argument, which the defense has hinted at as well.
This was not harmless and victimless incompetence, some would say, but a tragedy for the British people and economy.
Rather than relying on the evidence of one person, corroboration was being sought and police were exploring bringing more "victimless prosecutions".
Judge Sir Michael Birt told the court the crimes were not victimless, real children had been involved in making "disgusting images".
It is not a victimless crime but it is organised criminality and people are making a lot of money out of it.
Moreover, while the SEC makes headlines with proceedings against insider trading, argaably a victimless crime, it seems at times that the biggest perpetrators of securities fraud go scotfree.
This logic is also essential for issues like victimless crimes.
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These incidents, embarrassing though they be, fall within the acceptable range of victimless embellishment, those exaggerations that burnish a humdrum existence, amuse our listeners or impress a potential employer.
Corporate frauds are not victimless, as is sometimes claimed: they can wreak havoc on employees, customers and shareholders, especially if they drive a firm into bankruptcy, as some have done.
With the prosecution resting on a civil complaint charging Gold and Silver Reserve, Inc. with operating as an unlicensed money-transmitting business, Jackson finally acquiesced in July 2008 and plead guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering (a victimless crime) and operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business rather than the alternative threat of 20 years in jail and a half million dollar fine.