Apple is a traditional redbrick Victorian townhouse in Glastonbury, which has recently had a contemporary refit.
The tall and wide buildings still look distinctly Victorian from the exterior, with light-coloured brick and red-roofed spires.
Cowie does exactly that with a comforting, if rotting, Victorian complete with flowers and overgrown grass.
Stage acting in the Victorian period would seem bizarrely and hilariously stylized to us today.
Darwin built the prejudices of Victorian gentlemen into his account of the evolution of the sexes.
We appreciate there is a groundswell to retain it as it was in its Victorian heyday.
The proposals for the "outdated" Victorian buildings were approved by the Department of Health in July.
Over the entire weekend, James Wright was giving scheduled tours of his converted Victorian home.
Arthur Conan Doyle's stories also evoke Victorian London with its sinister fogs, a pasture for predators.
Most of them are old-fashioned, Victorian-style, solid and respectable, made of cast iron and English oak.
At the same time, cities are becoming suburbanised, with pedestrianisation and Victorian street lamps.
The foundations of Victorian railway buildings have been uncovered during work near York station.
An impressive tome on the life of the premier political figure of Victorian Britain.
They are the modern equivalent of Victorian bug hunters, classifying new species in uncharted territory.
She believed that Victorian family values were the way to improve society, through people bettering themselves.
The renovation of the Victorian wing of the building is expected to be completed in April.
"In a way, it's easy art, " notes Christie's director of Victorian paintings, Martin Beisly.
Victorian artists were fine technicians who spent as long as three years on one canvas.
They moved from a small Manhattan apartment to a three-bedroom Victorian in Easton, Pennsylvania.
It estimates there are as many domestic workers in London now as in Victorian times.
The discreet 19th-century Victorian townhouse lurks behind hedges that make it easy to miss.
Historians say they will fight plans to demolish a Victorian spinning mill in Leicester.
Sausalito boasts charming buildings that date from the Victorian era, when the town was first settled.
The tweets from the Grade I-listed Victorian courthouse were posted on Tuesday morning.
Not that Mr Gay defends the contemporary notion of Victorian values: censorious prudery or embarrassed euphemisms.
The Berglunds paid nothing for their Victorian and then killed themselves for ten years renovating it.
"Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Art and Design, 1848-1900" was initially mounted at London's Tate Britain last autumn.
Stoke-on-Trent councillors have backed plans to demolish a Victorian vicarage which once received lottery funding.
Around 1900, The DIY Victorian valentine was supplanted by mass-produced cards delivered by mail.
Yet the interiors are remarkably different: one is glitzy and modern, the other preserves Victorian touches.
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