It told how the city of Indianapolis has passed an ordinance to block kids from using especially violent videoarcadegames and how, predictably, an organization called the American Amusement Machine Association has filed suit to stop it.
The new agreements with EA and Take-Two will provide fans with a diverse offering of NBA videogames, including 5-on-5 simulation and arcade style games that will be available on video game consoles, online, and through mobile devices.
Another one of Reid's favorite spots in Moscow is the very small Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines, which houses old videogames from the Soviet era that you can play.
The console, a modified computer system specially designed for use by gamers, replaced the arcade machine as the dominant means of playing and selling videogames long ago.
Atari's Pong was an arcade game credited with helping kick-start the multi-billion pound videogames industry but more recent titles include 'Centipede', 'Missile Command' and Rollercoaster Tycoon'.