One for Westminster village people is the appearance of Damian McBride before the Public Administration Committee (at 9.30am).
Famed for their trademark macho outfits, including a policeman's uniform, a red Indian, and a construction worker, Village People - named in tribute to the New York's Greenwich Village gay district - launched themselves on the disco world in the late 1970s.
For those of us who deal with anti-corruption issues every day, we sometimes forget that the vast majority of people in the world think that FCPA stands for Fairfax County Parks Association, or, as I heard recently, is a Village People hit from the 1970s.
In one generation, Dubai has graduated from a village that people just fly over, to an instant city in the desert, to a destination for migrant workers and expatriates, to a world financial center and demographic microcosm of the planet.
One churchman was confronted with a village of people who genuinely believed the claims of a woman who claimed to be a witch and who said, amongst other things, that she could turn herself into a puff of smoke and leave a locked room through the keyhole.
One device will produce enough clean water to support a village of 300 people.
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In Nway's village, 120 people out of a population of 430 people lost their lives.
There's no land, no space for a car park as it's a tiny village of 350 people.
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In Ikeja, we even have our own Silicon Valley called Computer village, where people are selling the latest software, computer gadgets or IT needs.
In the film, you really depict village life where people gossip and when you don't have but so many people around, that gossip can be very harmful because you lose your community.
About 250km (150 miles) to the north, in neighbouring Shanxi province, in Pingdong, a much poorer village, 250 people live along battered dirt roads, and try to grow wheat, corn, soyabeans and winter melon on the dry, rocky mountain land.
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As a result of poverty and lack of education at village level, some people thought, he said, that they could divorce a spouse on the authority of the village council or even by rejecting their wife and sending her back to her family's home.
Village chief Margaret Thole explains that they have started to tell people in the village of the importance of delivering in a hospital.
If you went to a village and talked to people, they would say they feel proud.
Please when you go back to your village, tell the people about the soldiers you met at Ta Krabey.
About 220 kilometers south of Kunming, Tuanshan is the country's only intact traditional walled Qing village where the Yi people still live.
The specialist and non-specialist roles available include welcoming athletes at the airport or Commonwealth Games Athletes' Village to helping direct people at venues.
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Estaing is a fairytale village of just 600 people with a castle and a 16th-century Gothic bridge over the Lot River that has been awarded Unesco World Heritage status.
The village of some 250 people lost four of their own during the quake - two of whom were in the neighboring county of Beichuan, which was leveled by the quake.
The reporter here goes to a village and asks to many people, if they are happy.
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All the young people in the village speak the language, a rarity among American Indian tribes.
The second moment comes when people throughout the village bring their buckets after the pump is installed.
It will help to generate new ways for younger people in our village to earn a living.
Al Khiyam, for instance, is a hilltop village of 30, 000 people that was heavily shelled, though never occupied by Israeli troops.
Most significantly, there are 200 new households in a village of 5, 000 people, some of whom have returned from towns and cities.
The book's description of the texture of village life will also help people to understand the subtleties that usually escape Western headlines about Darfur.
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People in his village will keep living much as they have, preferring hand-built, palm-thatch huts to concrete buildings and baking tortillas on an open flame.
He, or she, lives in the Congo River, and the hippo is making things very difficult and dangerous for people in the village of Bukhama.