For a poor villager in Africa, poaching an elephant for its tusks is easy money.
"Now whenever I score a goal, of course I feel pride, " says the 12-year-old Druze villager.
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No other local villager was known to have caught the disease from the infected family.
Blank can go around that wall by heading in new directions, such as the smaller Villager's Hardware.
"When you hear Yousaf Ayub Khan speak, it makes you remember his grandfather, " said a villager, Sarfaraz Khan.
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"Now we don't have any drinking water or power, " Longquan villager Yang Yiyun, 58, told The Associated Press.
For villager Julia Dzame and her three children, life will change dramatically thanks to Wadongo and his solar lantern.
One villager tells Global Times that the dump has been in use for as long as three years.
And then the camera panned to a villager who had arrived on set.
Even the guy who was hired to oversee Home Depot's latest experiments--such as the smaller-format Villager's Hardware--spends time cruising the aisles.
As a nice touch, if you were the last villager alive when the game ended, you earned a special glory bonus.
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Mr Zhang refused to talk to your correspondent and yelled at him for trying to interview a villager on the street.
Bilal al-Sadr, another villager, lived in Syria for 14 years before deciding to flee with his wife, four sons and a daughter.
"The Wind and The Light" describes a villager stumbling upon a badly beaten man who turns out to be his dead sibling.
Each individual villager had signed an NDA, yet few knew what specific safeguards they, individually, should have applied to the highly sensitive information.
In the hamlet of Hajji Musa Kala, villager Mohammad Idris is sending to one of these mosque schools his eight-year-old son and his six-year-old daughter.
Oriental Daily News says villagers attacked a fellow villager in Pailian, Zhejiang, after he had offered an environmental official money to swim in a polluted river.
"I prefer not to use the world 'success, ' " said a villager of the weekend elections, who asked only to be identified by his surname, Zhang.
"We have always lacked water, " says 67-year-old villager Shao Zhong.
Even the guy hired to oversee Home Depot's latest experiments--the high-ticket Expo Design Centers and the smaller-format Villager's Hardware (see box, " Under Construction " )--spends time cruising the aisles.
But when Zora signals that she has detected explosives in a locked chest in one villager's house, there are grim faces all around and time stands still for us too.
Earlier, one villager, who wished to remain anonymous, branded the decision not to include Wales' anthem a "disgrace to the memory of the Welsh soldiers who fought and died during the war".
Michael Flancman, who divides his time between his native Toronto and Chiang Mai, Thailand, first learned that elephant waste could be turned into paper in 2002, when he heard about a Thai villager who was doing just that.
But as for what constitutes vision, a Bangladeshi villager logging on to play Tomb Raider in real time at the same speed as someone from Soho, be it Hong Kong, New York or London, makes a pretty compelling case.
When Eden returned to the village from a trip to Nairobi to pick up materials to complete her prototype solar panels, she discovered that that very villager had been trampled to death by a water buffalo while she was out collecting firewood at night.
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