Church officials say that a statue of the Virgin Mary was beheaded in Central Java on Wednesday.
An early da Vinci work, it depicts the Angel Gabriel telling the Virgin Mary she is pregnant.
Apart from the Virgin Mary, he is the best known and the most honored of Catholic saints.
Quickly surrendering, the survivors again returned to Nerchinsk, taking along a beloved icon of the Virgin Mary.
Yet Argentine women are supposed to be as virtuous as their mothers, to emulate the Virgin Mary.
These sculptures depict biblical scenes such as the Creation, Adam and Eve, the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
He points to the broken pews stacked on top of each other with a large portrait of the Virgin Mary stuck in between them.
Statues of angels and the Virgin Mary watch ominously over Leon and he starts to feel a supernatural presence in the house.
"First class" pertains to body parts of saints--a fingernail of the Apostle Paul, say, or a strand of the Virgin Mary's hair.
Several of the miners carried an image of the Virgin Mary to the Cathedral in Copiapo, where the thanksgiving service took place.
Enshrined at center is the triangular grouping of the Virgin Mary, St.
The Virgin Mary and assorted Catholic saints stand outside every front door.
The Koran states that Jesus was born miraculously of the Virgin Mary, but the Koran states that none of the prophets were divine, including Jesus.
Exhibited in a converted chapel flooded with light, it is the first of approximately 20 renditions Murillo made of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angelic cherubs.
Often, this is a Virgin Mary as hard to pin down as the time frame, although we are told the setting is "now" in the Playbill.
Let us invoke Virgin Mary's intercession: Let her guide all of you to follow the Lord Jesus always, in prayer as well as in laborious charity.
For the Virgin Mary, he had to look farther afield to find a suitable model, choosing a woman already widely worshipped: the Austrian movie star Hansi Knoteck.
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Something on the order of spotting the Virgin Mary, except that this Mary hops off the front porch, climbs into a waiting car, and disappears down Thunder Road.
If you drive almost anywhere in Danville, Virginia around Christmastime, you can see a 28-foot-high metal bust of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus atop the sprawling red-brick Dan River mill.
This year the provincial administration persuaded the ecclesiastical authorities to collaborate in marking the month of May, traditionally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with a celebration that combined pagan and Catholic ritual.
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One is struck by the correspondence between the ornate gold bullion that ornaments Spanish statues of the Virgin Mary and the same bullion that adorns the matador's traje de luces ("suit of lights").
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The decline of the female religious orders has left many women feeling that they no longer have a central vocation in a church that has always revered femininity in the form of the Virgin Mary.
Bernal's austere tale of a young woman who goes on a healing crusade after seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary, which stars Filipino actress Nora Aunor, took the prize with 32 percent of the vote.
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She deliberately sets aside the question of whether or not a 14-year-old peasant girl called Bernadette Soubirous did in fact see the Virgin Mary near a grotto outside Lourdes on 18 occasions between February and July 1858.
As an academic with deep knowledge of theology and canon law, the pope is probably not thrilled about the fact that some Mexicans put images of the dark-skinned representation of the Virgin Mary right next to that of Christ.
Ms. Quinn's spokesman attacked Mr. Lhota for alleged ethical missteps of his own while working for former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, including his support for cutting city funding to the Brooklyn Museum in 1999 over displaying a work depicting the Virgin Mary with elephant dung.
He is followed by two friends with candelabra and others carrying candles and lanterns, five choral singers who sing the Lamentation of the Virgin Mary at several points along the way, and many worshippers of all ages from Croatia and abroad wearing the tunics of religious brotherhoods.