Dr. Deborah Persaud, a virologist with Johns Hopkins Children's Center, was lead author on the report.
When a virologist handles anything with suspected ebola, the most stringent precautions are needed.
But the court ordered the Pakistani virologist not to leave India until it had decided on his appeal.
Dr. Deborah Persaud, a virologist with Johns Hopkins Children's Center, was lead author on the report presented at the conference.
"All the big pharmas are working on this, " says Chiron molecular virologist Michael Houghton, who led the group that discovered the virus in 1987.
The petition "spoke out the dissatisfactions to the international communities successfully, " virologist and the petition's apparent organizer, Kuan Ping Ang, said on her Facebook page.
According to Dr. Ron Fouchier, a Dutch virologist, this mutation allows the virus to reproduce at much lower temperatures than a standard avian influenza virus.
"Non-infectious vaccines would clearly provide a safeguard against this risk", said Dr Andrew Macadam, a virologist specialising in polio at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in Hertfordshire.
Professor John Oxford, a virologist at Queen Mary University of London, believes the bioterrorism threat is "a load of old tosh" but still argues in favour of keeping the virus.
BBC: Should the US and Russia destroy their smallpox stocks?
Dr Walter Atwood, a virologist based at Brown University who worked on the study, said the drugs may prove to be an effective, ready-made therapy for PML prevention or treatment.
"The disease is common, but the fatalities are the puzzle we're trying to figure out, " says Dr. Jim Alexander, a molecular virologist with the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Although it isn't nearly as contagious as SARS which was spread in certain Hong Kong neighborhoods through plumbing in some ways, the latest H7N9 outbreak is more worrisome than the H5N1 outbreak that started in 1997, said Malik Peiris, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong.