Without this, many in the research community can't see the virtue in such research.
They also know that sloth may be a sin but, if practiced wisely, is also a virtue.
Today Premji, by virtue of his building software power Wipro , is one of Asia s richest men.
That stemmed from a debt buyback offer that has the virtue of strengthening the balance sheet.
If their audience grows by virtue of what we're doing, then their advertising revenue will grow.
Hard work may be a virtue and digging ditches by hand is certainly hard work.
But in recent years, they've begun to be seen as models of green virtue.
Yet "Jitney" manages to overcome these obvious miscalculations by virtue of its sheer watchability.
WSJ: Jitney | August Wilson | The Verbal Music of Life | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
One has rights not by virtue of being an American, but by virtue of being human.
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Notice that twice now Mr. Obama has invoked "individual ambition, " and not as a virtue.
We lead by virtue of who we are every time we refuse to play safe.
But Alistair Darling has decided he's got to make a virtue out of necessity.
Stability may be a geopolitical virtue, but does not justify a neo-imperial American global presence.
FORBES: Republicans Mislead Their Base With Handwringing Over Sequester Defense Cuts
Their experience is a virtue, not a vice, and should be encouraged in the years ahead.
WSJ: Lloyd Blankfein: The Business Plan for American Revival
But the courage he displayed that day reflects every virtue that defined his life.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller
This most often happens due to impatience, which is not typically an entrepreneurial virtue.
While wealth is not synonymous with virtue, a correlation exists between adding value and garnering success.
FORBES: Our Denial of Nature Undermines the Economic Recovery
Hardness is not the only virtue of what Nanosteel is setting out to produce.
All this junk food with a veneer of virtue is enough to turn Michael Jacobson's stomach.
We must always be careful when holding up what once was as a paragon of virtue.
The book was heavy on polemics equating moral virtue and civic responsibility with military service.
Obama does not regard the all-former-judge makeup of the Supreme Court as an unalloyed virtue.
By virtue of its distinct location, Madagascar is one of the world's most ecologically diverse areas.
Rather than lock single-parent households into perpetual poverty, we ought to promote marriage, responsibility and virtue.
FORBES: Congress's Policies Steal Our Freedoms While Rewarding Irresponsibility
But way too many players on Team Virtue have bizarrely lost sight of this fundamental distinction.
FORBES: Un-Thinking The Culture War: It's Not Liberty vs. Virtue
The management company, by virtue of the HMA, acquires a leasehold interest in the hotel.
The National League also has the home-field advantage by virtue of its rare All-Star victory.
FORBES: Competitive Balance Between Yanks, Rays Will Change In 2011
The church, starting with the example of Pope Francis, must embody the virtue of humility.
But this abundance of virtue looks like vice to several of Germany's EU partners.
Why would a system that rewards virtue and punishes sin be so frustratingly unreliable?