But you must develop specific antibodies to what are called the "virulence factors" or toxins of the bacterium.
HIV's ability to replicate (known technically as its virulence) may have decreased since the start of the pandemic.
ECONOMIST: In one part of Europe, HIV may be getting less virulent
The sheer virulence of the infection, which can cause multi-organ failure, means it must be regarded a potent threat.
"The level of virulence of this storm is not normal, " said Diego Santilli, the city's environment minister, according to Telam.
It may be lying low before it comes back and hits us hard or it could be losing its virulence.
What is most alarming is not the virulence of Ms Fallaci's ideas but the backing they have received in Italy and America.
But the biggest issue for Latinos nationwide has been the new virulence among Republicans towards illegal immigrants, after radical legislation last year in neighbouring (and much whiter) Arizona.
American health officials report that the disease they are seeing appears to be milder than that spreading through Asia, which suggests that the virulence of the disease differs among victims.
This could create a form of the disease that has the virulence of the avian infection, but which passes from person to person with the ease of the human one.
But, despite being no stranger to foot-and-mouth - he worked alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food during the 1967 outbreak - even he has been taken by surprise at the virulence of the latest outbreak.
HIV's virulence is attenuating around the world.
ECONOMIST: In one part of Europe, HIV may be getting less virulent
Others at the vigil - unlikely conservatives, to say the least - agree: they may be dismayed by the anger and virulence of political discourse in America, but they do not connect it with the shootings of Saturday morning.
By the time I began school in 1938, Lindbergh's was a name that provoked the same sort of indignation in our house as did the weekly Sunday radio broadcasts of Father Coughlin, the Detroit-area priest who edited a right-wing weekly called Social Justice and whose anti-Semitic virulence aroused the passions of a sizable audience during the country's hard times.