The infected ads placed by DoubleClick installed software on machines that warned users of a virus infection--and suggested they buy a scanner program.
In its commentary, entitled "Crisis at the door, " the Independent paints a doomsday scenario of what might happen should the virus infection spread across the Irish Sea.
"Do not assume these are cases of Schmallenberg virus infection as other diseases can cause birth defects in lambs and calves and it is important to know which you are dealing with, " he said.
It seems that the old model of cyber-attacks, involving peer-to-peer virus infection, is becoming increasingly ineffective as anti-virus companies step up their game, causing nogoodniks to rely on search results, websites, and zero-day attacks.
ENGADGET: Report warns of the increased use of SEO Poisoning to spread malware
The tests simulate both normal circumstances as well as preparing the team for the unexpected, with tests of how data will be crunched in the event of a data centre fire, virus infection or other crises.
One of the things that's most shocking about diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes is that in some cases parents do identify the symptoms and ask for a test but are told by their GP that it is probably just a virus or infection and that they should come back in a week if symptoms persist.
He said 5-15% of patients may be functionally cured, meaning they no longer needed drugs, by attacking the virus soon after infection.
On the other hand acquiring this protein too slowly would give the immune system time to launch a response before the virus can escape - killing the virus and preventing infection, they said.
The key finding for vaccine development is that the "head" and "body" portions of the VP4 protein contain many of the targets that the immune system recognises when it attacks the virus and protects against infection, they say.
There are no medications to treat West Nile virus or vaccines to prevent infection.
CNN: West Nile virus on the rise in the U.S., health officials say
More than 70 countries have reported cases of human infection with the virus, and more than 70, 000 cases have been documented worldwide, according to the WHO.
Infection by a virus called the human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is associated with Castleman disease, and doctors suspect that it may play a role, especially in multicentric Castleman disease.
Flu shots are thought to be 80% effective at preventing infection against the virus contained within them, but health officials have to guess which strains of flu are circulating.
Scientists say it isn't clear whether the drug will work for all groups at high risk of infection because the virus enters the body in different ways in each case.
"The best way to either eliminate the virus or allow the immune system to suppress residual virus is to treat someone as early as possible after infection so as not to allow a substantial reservoir of the virus to take hold, " Fauci told CNN.
Each is equipped with a high definition photographic memory of the virus it helped destroy and it is primed and ready to prevent subsequent infection - but only if it encounters the same virus.
In previous clinical trials, Gardasil was shown to work at preventing infection with the HPV virus.
Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is estimated to affect 170 million people worldwide, and more than five million in Europe.
Malaysia announced the ban Friday, but it was effective as of April 23 after the first case of human infection with the H7N9 virus was reported in the coastal province of Shandong, a major chicken-processing area in China.
The alarming statements by the WHO and other UN agencies last week may in part have been prompted by a widespread feeling that health authorities in Asia failed to act quickly enough last year to contain the SARS virus, a hitherto unknown human infection.
"Investigations into the possible sources of infection and reservoirs of the virus are ongoing, " the organization announced.
CNN: WHO reports 5 new bird flu cases in China; total now 49
The CDC is also recommending the use of a test that detects the virus within eight to 10 days of infection.
This allowed the researchers to see a kind of breathing motion in the virus that it uses to initiate the infection process.
This is because for infection to occur, the virus must invade immune cells and incorporate itself into the DNA, where it can remain dormant for decades.
These two new cases are reminiscent of the so-called "Berlin patient, " the only person known to have been cured of infection from the human immunodeficiency virus.
Almost all the cases of cervical cancer are caused by infection with the human papilloma virus, or HPV, which causes normal cells to multiply out of control.
We have a very small group of patients called elite controllers, who have never received treatment - but their infection and the replication of the virus is controlled naturally.
Life expectancy in Cameroon is less than 48, one of the major causes is HIV. 7% of women are HIV positive and hundreds of thousands of babies contract the virus during lactation, when the risk of infection is 30%.
Researchers are trying to determine if the virus will be a "dead end" infection which can spread only from animal to person, like rabies, or will be able to spread from one person to another like HIV after it made the jump from primates.