Meanwhile in the past 10 years it has witnessed a 25% decline in competitiveness vis-a-vis Germany.
First, look at your own patents and consider cost concerns vis-a-vis both patent reexamination and litigation.
For me this alone throttled the belief of ourselves as gender progressive vis-a-vis other nations.
FORBES: India Offers Unexpected Advantages For Women In Business
Which brings us to the last point: the role that government leaders vis-a-vis their empowered constituents.
FORBES: What I Learned From Obama: A New Theory of Government
Vis-a-vis Vita, at this moment, there is no decline or lack of motivation as a portable platform.
FORBES: Cardiac Arrests At Sony, Nintendo As Consoles Show Their Age
Better still, you have non-lethal progression options vis-a-vis sleeper holds or tranquilizer darts.
FORBES: Watch The New 'Dishonored' Study Of Stealth Gameplay Video
And so when people talk about how we're doing vis-a-vis the Nintendo DS, again, it's not the whole story.
ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Peter Dille, Sony Computer Entertainment's SVP of Marketing
The United States should develop a coherent refugee policy vis-a-vis Thailand similar to the policy toward Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
Weapons are relatively cheap to unlock with gold but cost a proverbial arm and leg to unlock vis-a-vis experience points.
"We believe as an executive that we can deal with the implications of that vis-a-vis the funding, " Mr McGuinness said.
BBC: University tuition fees 'will not increase' - ministers
"We're very much lower in operating expenses vis-a-vis competitors, " says senior v.p.
The second debate revolves around the dilemma of global vis-a-vis local strategy, that is, the trade-off between global standardization and local customization.
My guess is it will and that indeed a year from now it will have moved strongly upward vis-a-vis the U.S. dollar.
We leverage the power of social data vis-a-vis Facebook and provide real-time, actionable feedback to professionals on what companies are looking for right now.
However, possible commodity inflation and the rising value of Dollar vis-a-vis Euro may pose profit margin and pricing challenges for Heinz in future year.
FORBES: Heinz Will Catch Up To $62 As Emerging Markets Get Sauced
Just like he has no clue how to move forward with old guard media firms vis-a-vis Apple TV, Cook pokes in the dark on MappleGate.
Efforts to evaluate the impacts of corporate activities vis-a-vis on society and the environmental have been numerous and uncoordinated, although there has been recent progress.
FORBES: Citizens Market Uses Crowdsourcing To Help Shoppers Find Responsible Companies
Among these people, the standing of the Mehsuds as the most ferocious fighters is linked to their geographical and demographic position vis-a-vis their tribal cousins, the Wazirs.
It "aimed to echo the message of peace and friendship to the neighboring states and guarantee security of the seafaring and shipping lines vis-a-vis sea piracy, " the news agency said.
CNN: Report: Iranian warships dock in Sudan in show of support
Rather than search endlessly for new blueprints and horizons, both Israel and the US would do well to ask themselves the basic question of what their interests are vis-a-vis the Palestinians.
Star Citizen places you in a massive and ever-expanding (vis-a-vis micro-updates) universe with some elements of the MMO genre and some elements of single-player all on one super-server a la Eve Online.
My recommendation is to view direct providers as as large of a threat as other competitors and to make sure to continually point out to clients your competitive advantages vis-a-vis them, as you do everyone else.
Unlike many of its debt-laden EU partners, Poland's economy is still thriving, making it reluctant to impose costs on its heavy industry and power installations which could put it at a disadvantage vis-a-vis neighbours with greener economies.
"This gave more workers a lot more power vis-a-vis management, " he says, adding that while people were desperate to have jobs in the '90s, today they may walk out of a factory if they don't like their job or the working conditions.
The workshop covered various key topics such as a review of elections and democracy practices in Egypt and Lebanon in comparison with Jordan, Jordan election laws vis-a-vis international standards, elections from a gender-sensitive perspective, and guidelines to independent and professional elections coverage.
So when it comes to estimating economic impact for sporting events, best to show caution and restraint, and ultimately attempt to verify any public statements with market research vis-a-vis on-site data collection so that you have a leg to stand on when reporting such figures.
FORBES: Educating Sports Commissions and CVBs About the Economic Impact of Sports
Apparently these generals were not, like their prime minister, devoted to Napoleon's maxim, "Frappez la masse, et le reste vient par surcroit , " which, vis-a-vis strategic or other problems, bids one to concentrate upon the essence, with assurance that all else will follow in train, even bits of string.
Magatte is one of the most outspoken critics about the cultural inferiority that most Africans feel vis-a-vis the West, but rather than whining or complaining about this inferiority, she simply acknowledges that it exists, and has devoted her life to eliminating this perception of inferiority by means of creating spectacular U.S. brands that stand on their own in the U.S. market.
Mr. ARMAND PESCHARD-SVERDRUP (Center for Strategic and International Studies): At least the Mexicans won't touch NAFTA per se in the meeting, but try to make President-elect Obama aware of how integrated the two economies are and how to some extent there is a benefit in working together in trying to strengthen the competitiveness of the two economies vis-a-vis the rest of the world.
Not only are these store-within-a-store small spaces highly efficient vis a vis outfitting the Big Box but, like speed dating, you can get real-world experience, have the opportunity to make a good impression and (if desirable) get in and get out without too much damage.