When exposed to light in the visible spectrum, the fabric turns out to be self-cleaning.
For one thing, the image colors have inexplicably shifted into the violet range of the visible spectrum.
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Multispectral imaging works by scanning objects at a series of specific frequencies both within and beyond the visible spectrum.
In addition to taking normal images of the impact in the visible spectrum, the HRI provides an infrared "fingerprint" of the material from inside the comet's nucleus.
Sensors include visible spectrum cameras, 3D laser scanners and a spectrometer analysis (just to name a few) that creates an accurate analysis of waste which has not been possible with mechanical technology or human labor before.
If the light were not infrared but were instead in the visible spectrum, there was enough of it that the naked eye could have seen a glow, according to Phaedon Avouris , manager of nanometer scale science and technology at IBM (nyse: IBM - news - people ) Research Laboratories in Yorktown Heights, N.
Current LCDs are limited to displaying 35 percent or less of the visible color spectrum.
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The MRI takes pictures in the visible light spectrum and provides back-up for the HRI.
But crystal fibres push the range of single-mode wavelengths right into the visible part of the spectrum, opening up huge new tracts of wavelength for telecommunications.
It arises from light waves in the visible band of the electromagnetic spectrum, the segment with wavelengths of 400 billionths of a metre at the blue end to 700 billionths at the red.
For example, iron-gall ink, commonly used on ancient documents, is transparent to infra-red light and most visible in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.
This part of the infra-red spectrum, with wavelengths close to that of visible light, carries heat energy.
Only instead of amplifying visible light, it amplifies photons in the X-ray spectrum.
Edison bulbs function by making a Tungsten filament very hot, and a hot object glows: radiating energy on a broad spectrum of wavelengths, only a small part of which is visible to the eye.
These tools span much of the electromagnetic spectrum from X-rays to ultraviolet to the infrared - and of course microscopy with visible light.