The project began in the summer of 2010, when Rodrigo Corral, a book designer who has created covers for Junot Diaz, Jeffrey Eugenides and Jay-Z, began to toy with the idea of a visual novel that used images, rather than words, to tell the story.
WSJ: Enhanced E-Books: Blowing Up the Book
The cartoonish results, which approach cacophony, echo the brazen visual form of the graphic novel.
WSJ: One Man's Memoir of 9/11 Becomes Another's Symphony
Aside from best director, the 3D film - based on the Booker-winning novel about a shipwrecked boy and a Bengal tiger - won awards for cinematography, score and visual effects.
BBC: Ang Lee takes on first TV project
Interested team leaders are encouraged to submit proposals by July 31, 2012, detailing their plan to design, execute and demonstrate a radical, novel research approach to innovation in the area of extracting meaningful content from large volumes of varied visual and geospatial media.
ENGADGET: DARPA Innovation House project wants teams to take imaging data, see the big picture
Adapting a script by Tom Stoppard based on a novel by Nabokov, Rainer Werner Fassbinder brings Weimar-era decadence to life with vibrant derision and visual mystery.
By offering a brand new visual perspective that enables students to interact with 3D objects in virtual space, Vimensio is facilitating teachers to take a novel approach and challenge students in an engaging way that can inspire and motivate classrooms to conceptualize and learn in ways never before possible.
ENGADGET: Leonar3Do launches HelloVR, Vimensio platforms to bring 3D computing into the mainstream