It is in America's vital interests to deter more wars in the Mideast, not invite them.
On the rare occasion when America has truly vital interests at stake, military action may be justified.
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How, future generations will wonder, could anyone believe that will be good for America and its vital interests?
In Libya, Obama administration officials have cited the vital interests of our European partners in the North African nation.
They will also probably demand escape clauses allowing them to resume testing if it is in their nation's vital interests.
The easy answer to our strategy dilemma is for the United States to commit military forces only when vital interests are at stake.
But despite occasional appearances to the contrary, the United States continues to have both vital interests and influence in Latin America.
Far from deflecting pressure on Israel to make further concessions, it trapped Israel into a position that serves none of its vital interests.
Also, America intervened in two world wars when our vital interests were at stake -- stopping Germany from conquering Western Europe in 1917 and stopping Japan and Germany from conquering the world in 1941.
If realized, however, such a Baker-Gorbachev plan would amount to a shortsighted publicity stunt for the Administration -- one with potentially dangerous long-term consequences for America's vital interests in its own hemisphere.
"It is time that we realised in this House that focusing our foreign policy on the narrow ground of greater Europeanism and ever closer political union in Europe is actually contrary to the UK's vital interests, " he added.
More to the point, it is inconceivable that the U.S. would ever launch this all-out attack, and risk nuclear war, unless the direct, vital interests of the U.S. were imperiled, and this would not credibly include an attack on Japan alone.
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It is, after all, axiomatic: For U.S. national security policy to enjoy sustained public support, American military forces and resources must not be expended frivolously on missions that are not clearly in the country's vital interests and that may be exceedingly difficult to perform.
Of course, we bear in mind our vital interests, but we understand the needs of the other partners as well and we clearly need the leadership of the United States -- as well as your experience and wisdom -- in the attempt to achieve it.
CNN: Visit to Syria starts week of U.S. diplomacy in Middle East
On the other hand, the test of a policy based on realism is whether it delivers results, and engagement on its own, as Mr Bush discovered in his chastened second term, seldom alters the behaviour of regimes that think they are acting rationally in their own vital interests.
And while I will never hesitate to use force to protect the American people or our vital interests, I also promise you this -- and this is very important as we consider our next steps in Afghanistan: I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House
In interviews in March he said that Muammar Gaddafi posed no threat to US interests and that no vital US interests are served by the US mission in Libya.
It behooves the House Republican leadership, therefore, to find ways to secure a renewed mandate without jeopardizing vital national interests.
The Speaker focussed on the imperative in a democracy of educating the public about the true nature of threats to vital national interests.
If America should pursue only its vital national interests, there may be very little for our military to do and small justification for a robust combat capability.
President Bush has repeatedly demonstrated a full appreciation of the limitations and liabilities of working with the so-called "international community" on matters where vital American interests are at stake.
Especially when vital American interests are not at stake.
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Andrew Neil, a former editor of the Sunday Times under Murdoch, said the media baron -- who became a U.S. citizen in 1985 -- had been heavily coached by his New York lawyers on how not to jeopardize those vital American interests through intemperate outbursts in London.
CNN: Rupert Murdoch: Media magnate grilled on power, influence
In one respect alone can the two be usefully compared: In the present crisis -- as was the case in the Vietnam war -- our success or failure ultimately must rely upon the ability of the U.S. government to analyze vital American interests correctly, to define an appropriate strategy for promoting those interests and to provide the public with the necessary, credible and steady leadership.
Beyond the daily benefits the US enjoys from its close ties with Israel, the US has three fundamental, permanent, vital national security interests in the Middle East.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Strategic foundations of the US-Israel alliance
"Ford Motor Company is to be commended for its sensitivity to the vital national security interests at stake in this joint venture, " the Center's Director, Frank J.
But they failed to allow for the fact that the commission discharges lots of practical duties vital to national interests, and so needs a boss strong enough to keep it stable and orderly.
But Lord Davies, for the government, said it was "vital" in the interests of eventually returning the bank to private ownership, "that we do not apply inappropriate public sector requirements".