Deputy Defense Minister Mamuka Kudava says the Iraq experience is a vital part of Georgia's military strategy.
He kept working on his game, and his introduction to the side during qualification was the final, vital part in Argentina's jigsaw.
Sean Morris, chief executive of the Professional Cricketers Association said playing in the IPL could be a vital part of Flintoff's pre-Ashes preparation.
Going forward, the LLCD will play a vital part in NASA's 2017 Laser Communications Relay Demonstration, a key test of laser-based relay comms in future missions.
Now that the Democrats are reckoned to have all but lost the white working class, Obama is telling them that they are a vital part of America's future.
Sir Ian said transparency was a vital part of Ipsa's role, but it must be "meaningful" transparency, and there were issues with how certain claims were singled out by the media.
She said such restraint is a vital part of NPR's code of ethics, which states that news staffers cannot say things in other public forums that they could not say on NPR's airwaves as well.
Overseas interests - in particular French companies - continue to base themselves here and are a vital part of this country's future.
Mr Swinney said it would play a vital part of the government's strategic perspective for the coming years, along with the Finance Committee's inquiry into efficiency savings in public bodies and the Independent Budget Review.
Rakfisk is seen as signifying something important, a vital if rather smelly part of Norway's past.
This marks a crucial development in the Internet's history: Far from being a place where geeks go to hang out with other geeks, the Internet is now as vital a part of the average college student's world as Spring Break.
Despite growing urbanisation, fishing by traditional methods remains a vital occupation, a key part of the country's economy - and just as important, a way of life.
Most observers accept that injunctions are a vital part of the legal armoury that protects the industry's leading firms.
But the wildlife charity said "rekindling people's fond memories of orchards" was a vital part of the campaign.
Several speakers criticized the media for reporting on Palin's family, though they pointed to the governor's experience as a working mother as a vital part of her experience.
Engaging young people in the protection and preservation of Scotland's five World Heritage sites is vital to ensure these sites remain part of our shared global heritage for future generations.
They say what's at stake is the potential for growth and jobs in a vital part of the economy.
And supporters say the high speed link is a vital part of the regeneration of east London, with the leading executives of 82 of London's largest companies promising they would accept a one-off supplementary business rate to fund the rail link.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | On track for Olympic bid?