"Up to that point, there were still no vital signs, " the hospital director said.
Unfortunately, too many organizations in health care are in poor health and showing discouraging vital signs.
"Vital Signs" puts the spotlight on medical breakthroughs, showcasing the latest technology and developments.
"Her vital signs are deteriorating with signs of severe organ failure, " hospital official Kelvin Loh said.
The baby had no vital signs when she was born, hospital director Dr. Jose Luis Meirino said.
That interest rates are near zero demonstrates how few vital signs of economic life are still detectable.
However, most of the time the answer is simple and the change in our vital signs is unnecessary.
The baby had no vital signs when she was born, hospital director Dr. Jose Luis Meirino told CNN.
The U.S.-made monitors, known as Zephyr BioHarnesses, will record the miners' vital signs, pulse, heart rhythm and breathing.
Wearable devices that track people's vital signs are also going to be collecting mountains of extremely sensitive information.
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Additional alerts could include caller ID, calendar, weather, stock prices, and vital signs.
Caregivers often stop paying attention to the constant beeps from devices that monitor vital signs, a hospital group warns.
The hiker, an emergency room physician, checked for vital signs and found none.
An iWatch could offer a unique value proposition to consumers: just important alerts, vital signs, security and selected media.
Her stomach and intestines were in such a delicate state that just a touch could send her vital signs awry.
Dr Katherine Astbury told the coroner that Mrs Halappanavar's vital signs were not checked every four hours after her membranes ruptured.
This means that there is no time to do the most basic tasks like checking the vital signs of the patients.
Whether it's demystifying medical jargon or answering viewer questions, "Vital Signs" seeks to engage viewers by providing comprehensive and sometimes ground-breaking reports.
Implantable electronics could monitor vital signs, deliver medications or track patient recovery.
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Two vital signs, the baht and the bourse, fell to record lows.
He must check all the miners' vital signs and do daily tests as well as keeping a close watch on the men's weight.
Some remain sedated and face multiple serious surgeries, but he was optimistic all would live, as vital signs had stabilized and bleeding was controlled.
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Think about wearing a device that allows your vital signs to be remotely monitored all the time, rather than at a once-a-year doctor visit.
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That evening Josie's eyes started rolling back in her head, but when Sorrel pointed this out she was told Josie's vital signs were fine.
For example, wearable health monitors could be used to notify you or your doctor as soon as something is wrong with your vital signs.
In the coming years sensors will pop up in more and more household objects tracking things like air quality, movement, vital signs and other stats.
Her heart rate, breathing and other vital signs were measured continuously.
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And soon it will begin using software from the recently acquired SilverBack Technologies and Everdream to monitor the vital signs of Dell hardware on corporate networks.
They are a prime target for early take-up of telemedicine solutions, where specialists can consult with patients via video link-ups and monitor their vital signs remotely.
Some remain medically sedated and face multiple serious surgeries, but he was optimistic all would live, as vital signs had stabilized and bleeding was controlled, he said.