And it was really voicing something that had been waiting to be voiced, if you like.
He is not alone in voicing scepticism about the long-term appeal of organic cotton.
ECONOMIST: Ethically minded shoppers turn their focus to cotton
Ahead of the conference, the Chancellor, George Osborne, said Mr Cable was voicing the coalition's position.
Instead, it is voicing the most extreme version of a dilemma facing most of big tech.
House Democrats are voicing opposition to the bill, but at this stage their leverage is limited.
Those grievances are not, in relative terms, very serious, but voicing them aloud is deemed unseemly.
He wrote a letter on his ballot paper, voicing his frustration with the election.
CNNArabic decided to pronounce Ayrault's name by voicing the last two letters in the written word.
The percentage of executives voicing uncertainty and pessimism, meanwhile, rose by 6 and 4 points respectively.
FORBES: Bad News For Obama As U.S. Private Company Optimism Sours
Only Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad made a point of voicing his doubts, as is his way.
But the 27 member states could not agree, with Britain in particular voicing opposition to the proposal.
BBC: Financial transaction tax tabled by European Commission
Yet now those self-same businessmen are voicing precisely the opposite complaint: too few bean-counters, not too many.
With Ty Burrell of the TV show Modern Family voicing Mr. Peabody, and 9-year-old Max Charles as Sherman.
Pennington here is engaging in a nice spot of public reasoning, voicing a partial justification for exit-based institutions.
Since voicing his opposition to the marriage-equality bills just weeks ago, Koering has received hundreds of hate e-mails.
She says it's voicing concern in a letter sent to each member of the German National Soccer Team.
Most protest parties may be successful at voicing popular anxieties but are rarely capable of articulating a credible alternative.
And I recognize that by voicing support for the individual mandate I am inviting irate comments from some readers.
FORBES: Do the Obamacare Insurance Subsidies Make the Individual Mandate Unnecessary?
Lieberman is so given to voicing outrageous opinions that he is generally shielded from interviews with the international press.
The problem with just voicing over picture, it tends to wash over people.
Now that it's ready to roll out, media buyers are voicing frustrations about not having commercial-specific or second-by-second data.
But Taylor said he is "appalled" by the decision, and said air marshals are voicing their opposition to him.
By September 2010, Mr. Roseman started voicing his concerns to board members, according to people familiar with the matter.
WSJ: Corzine Rebuffed Internal Warnings on Risks at MF Global
The city's Spanish-language radio stations were flooded with callers voicing disgust with Mr. Guillen, who was born in Venezuela.
His organisation has issued a statement voicing its fears for Mr Kebir's safety now that he has been jailed.
With politicians venting their spleen, the heads of financial companies are voicing worries about the consequences of bad legislation.
Retailers have been voicing their concerns about the high credit-card swipe fees, which average about 2% of each transaction.
FORBES: Wal-Mart And Friends Plan Mobile-Payments Network To Fight High Card Fees
Despite this, passengers were more active than ever in voicing their complaints.
While the interiors of homes are almost always up to the owners, Philadelphians aren't always shy about voicing their opinions.
Voicing your opinions, if done in a respectful way, is always positive and should be welcomed, encouraged, and even rewarded.
FORBES: Passive-Aggressive Behavior Will Destroy a Company's Culture