Dimon also seems like he is trying to knock down the foundations of the Volcker Rule.
FORBES: Dimon Speaks Truth On Lending And Subtly Attacks Volcker Rule
However, JPMorgan led the effort to gut the Volcker Rule and the provision that requires transparency.
Thank Paul Volcker whose so-called Volcker Rule is forcing banks to wind down prop trading operations.
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This is the reason for capital requirements and the Volcker Rule, which tries to restrict risk-taking.
More specifically, the most sticking inclusions in the Volcker Rule is the complete ban on proprietary trading.
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She looked at lobbying activity involving the four regulators that would have responsibility of writing the Volcker Rule.
One of the tricks to implementing the Volcker rule will be in interpreting what exactly proprietary trading is.
The Volcker Rule, named after Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, restricts banks from trading on their own behalf.
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Is it any surprise then that there is no Volcker Rule almost three years after passage of Dodd Frank?
If confirmed, the Volcker rule "is one thing I'm going to turn my personal attention to, " Ms. White said.
To wit: the thousands of pages piling up from the solutions of Sarbanes-Oxley, the Volcker Rule and Dodd-Frank.
The draft regulations of the Volcker Rule allow such faux hedges because JPMorgan lobbied to render the rule useless.
JPMorgan is the world's largest proprietary purchaser of financial derivatives -- precisely what the Volcker Rule sought to end.
The Volcker rule, named after former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, hasn't been implemented.
Further, more uncertainty exists for Goldman and its rivals around the Volcker Rule.
The Volcker rule, which puts limits on banks' ability to invest capital in alternative assets, could also help Blackstone.
In addition, he also appears to use the letter to build the foundation for an argument against the Volcker Rule.
FORBES: Dimon Speaks Truth On Lending And Subtly Attacks Volcker Rule
At the same time, analysts were beavering away at the leaked Volcker rule material, and they came to distressing conclusions.
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"We do think the Volcker rule address a core concern we had with proprietary trading by banking entities, " says Barr.
The Volcker Rule prohibits banks from owning a division (like prop trading) that makes speculative bets with the banks own capital.
The delay of Volcker Rule allows financial companies to use proprietary trading to transfer their financial risks to their customers, e.g.
In particular he's trying to fight off the "Volcker rule", named after Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve.
"Anything that has a prospect of limiting the Volcker rule would have an impact, " said an executive at a major U.S. bank.
The Volcker rule could particularly hamper smaller European nations seeking to borrow money by issuing sovereign debt, said one Wall Street executive.
You can read more on this topic in our article Citi Shuts Another Prop Group as Banks Prepare for Volcker Rule.
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The Volcker rule is being crafted by five regulators, including the Fed, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Without Volcker Rule, Prudential would conduct much more to steal in order to meet her predetermined ROE of 13% to 14% for 2012.
Trading desks are still speculating wildly with derivatives and the Volcker rule that was intended to stem abuses has yet to be implemented.
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This was a key plank of the so-called Volcker Rule, named after Paul Volcker, Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board, who proposed it.
JPMorgan asserts that these inherently unsafe and unsound anti-hedges are "hedges" as that term is defined in the draft regulations implementing the Volcker Rule.