Most surprisingly of all, 44% supported gradually converting Medicare into a voucher system, with 50% opposed.
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Gore criticized Bradley for his idea of replacing Medicaid with a private voucher system.
CNN: By Brad Leighton/The Telegraph of Nashua, New Hampshire
You can do the voucher system and do it well if all your ducks are in a row.
FORBES: You Can��t Fix Medicare Until You Fix American Healthcare
They might, he argues, if shares were transferred directly to every non-rich South African, through a voucher system.
In such a voucher system (sometimes called premium support), traditional Medicare would disappear.
FORBES: The Deal Dems And GOP Could Strike On Medicare And Health Reform
There has been a proposal -- it passed through Congress -- that would essentially make Medicare a voucher system.
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall
The voucher system, for instance, should be developed to see if it works.
And when you move to a voucher system, you are putting seniors at the mercy of those insurance companies.
Chile inherited from the dictatorship a voucher system under which the government pays money to the school of the parents' choice.
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In some ways such a proposal mimics the voucher system, which now seems to be off the political agenda for good.
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Democrats seized upon Mr. Ryan's budget proposal, saying that it would turn Medicare into a voucher system that raises costs for seniors.
Milton Friedman proposed a national voucher system as long ago as 1955.
That review will apparently be completed by the autumn, which will make it much speedier than the rethink of the government's voucher system.
Krugman is against any attempts to replace Medicare with a voucher system or to encourage people to be smarter consumers when receiving care.
FORBES: Paul Krugman Reveals His Hierarchy Of Medicine: Patients, Doctors, Washington
Pairing such means testing with a simple voucher system for all seniors enrolled in Medicare could also help bring down federal spending and stoke competition.
FORBES: Medicare Is Increasingly A Benefit Enjoyed By The "One Percenters"
His plan also would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors.
It would provide a refundable tax credit for the purchase of health care, but it would also set up a voucher system for the purchase of Medicare down the road.
And I will never turn Medicare into a voucher system -- because no American should have to spend their golden years, after years of labor, at the mercy of insurance companies.
Obama wants to make direct reductions in how much money Medicare spends, while Romney wants to turn Medicare into a voucher system where our elderly shop for care through private insurance.
By the time you retire, Medicare would turn into a voucher system that likely would not cover the doctors or the care that you need -- that would have to come out of your pocket.
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If seniors like having their Medicare benefits managed by a private insurance company like Aetna (AET), UnitedHealth Group (UNH), Humana (HUM) and others, then why is a voucher system such a bad idea?
Colorado recently rejected a higher-education voucher system.
Drawing on his experience as an educator and his time with the Department of Education, Tancredo believes that the federal government's involvement in education should be limited, encouraging local solutions and a "no-strings" voucher system to promote school choice.
And we obviously disagree with some -- the approach that House Republicans have taken in their proposal which would essentially eliminate Medicare as we know it and turn it into a semi-privatized voucher system, which we do not support.
He knows that, as he said in the discussions and debates and the proposals about the steps we need to take to get our fiscal house in order through a balanced approach to reducing our deficit, that we need to make additional reforms that protect beneficiaries, but ensure that Medicare remains in place as Medicare -- not a voucher system -- for future generations.
Of course, a voucher (or voucher-like) system is far from a perfect solution, but it is potentially a step towards increasing the cost consciousness of public institutions and providing them an incentive to avoid runaway tuition costs for students.
Protestors are converging on Madison again to protest the cuts, and teachers unions are organizing in opposition to the voucher provisions which could seriously undercut union involvement in the education system in Wisconsin.
FORBES: Radical Expansion of School Choice in Wisconsin Budget
First, the Swedish system does not allowing parents to pay additional fees on top of the voucher.
During his tenure voters have approved tax increases for an expansion of the light-rail transport system (2004), a new justice centre (2005), and a voucher programme for pre-school education (2006).