• My friend Aviram Jenik at Beyond Security tells me that over half the enterprises his sales team approaches are unaware of the need for vulnerability management!

    FORBES: Vulnerability Intelligence Versus Vulnerability Management

  • Is the federal government able to comply with our requirements for strong authentication, file encryption, vulnerability and patch management, and privileged user controls?

    FORBES: An Open Letter to Senator Rockefeller

  • While some customers use this to overcome problems they have with enforcing vulnerability and patch management policies it is a cumbersome technology that does nothing to address new threats, zero day vulnerabilities, or insider attacks.

    FORBES: Sophos + Astaro: Good companies, bad deal

  • The NRDC report also suggested that framing climate change vulnerability and preparedness planning in terms of emergency or risk management could be useful, as many state and municipal officials are already familiar with those concepts.

    FORBES: Water Risk Threatens Businesses, National Security

  • The aim of the Symposium is to increase public and political awareness of the vulnerability of coastal zones and to discuss tools and measures for sustainable water management in coastal areas at an expert level.

    UNESCO: Water Portal | Water Events Worldwide

  • Bereciartua, P. (2005), Vulnerability to Global Environmental Changes in Argentina: Opportunities for upgrading regional water resources management strategies, IHP Technical document, in press.

    UNESCO: Publications

  • When integrated into modern disaster risk management schemes, traditional management techniques have proven to be efficient and cost-effective tools to mitigate environmental risks and reduce vulnerability.

    UNESCO: Resilient Societies

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