• They left Metrovias to negotiate with the union over its wage claim.

    ECONOMIST: Mayor v president v commuters

  • Why were the miners allowed to continue with a strike in support of a 35% wage claim and to protest against pit closures that had been declared illegal?

    ECONOMIST: Romania

  • In support of their position, policy wonks who would abolish the minimum wage altogether can claim as an ally an economist even more renowned and no less esteemed by liberals than Krueger John Maynard Keynes.

    FORBES: Minimum Wage Pits Obama Against Keynes

  • While ruling out "a complete free-for-all" on public sector pay, the authors claim greater flexibility in wage rates would improve work standards.

    BBC: Calls for regional pay in public sector

  • The Italian wage-bargaining process allows workers to claim for extra pay if inflation turns out to be higher than expected, says Gareth Claase, an economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.

    ECONOMIST: Europe��s monetary policy

  • That makes the White House claim that 15 million workers would benefit from the planned minimum wage over the next few years pretty extravagant, even as many labor contracts stipulate automatic renegotiation when the minimum is raised.

    FORBES: The Awful Minimum Wage

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