The government can take a person's wages and tax refunds if a student defaults, and there's no statute of limitations.
The employer must withhold state and federal income taxes and social-security taxes from the nanny's wages weekly and remit them to the various tax authorities every quarter, as well as dealing with the agencies that run unemployment-insurance and injury-insurance schemes.
While there may be a difference between Australia's payroll taxes and how the term is applied in a European context, Australia's taxes are relevant in calculating the total tax wedge on wages in this country.
For most Portuguese workers, the annual tax rises are equivalent to more than a month's wages.
For most Portuguese workers the tax rises are equivalent to more than a month's wages.
The tax rises are equivalent to more than a month's wages for most Portuguese workers, and aim to increase government revenues by 30%.
What's happening is that inflation in goods and services has been rising considerable faster than wages, tax credits or benefits.
"Personal income in November and December was boosted by accelerated and special dividend payments to persons and by accelerated bonus payments and other irregular pay in private wages and salaries in anticipation of changes in individual income tax rates, " the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis said.
The law would tax wages, professions and trades while excluding rents, which would meet the Supreme Court's 1895 test.
That's why this budget includes important investments to spur job creation now, including the jobs and wages tax credit that the President spoke about last week, and including key investments in the drivers of longer-term economic growth -- education, innovation, and moving toward a clean energy future.
He would also cut the employer's share of the payroll tax, with larger cuts for those who boost net payrolls or raise wages.
Greek government officials say the reduction in wages being sought by the troika will only deepen the country's recession and widen its budget deficit by reducing tax-revenue collections and contributions to its teetering pension funds.
WSJ: Greek Party Leaders Struggle to Resolve Overhaul Differences
For most Portuguese workers the tax rises that came into effect on January 1 are equivalent to more than a month's wages.