As he walked briskly down the hall, he passed Keyworth, waiting anxiously for news of his fate.
There has been little information since the initial reveal, but this expanded universe junkie has been waiting anxiously.
Producers on both franchises are waiting anxiously for MGM to work out its problems so that new films can go into production.
Viewers saw relatives of a mother of four named Dana waiting anxiously at the Erez checkpoint as she and her children fled her husband and his family in Gaza and took their first steps of freedom.
The atmosphere in the town is peaceful, as residents are anxiously waiting for the results.
Investors are anxiously waiting to hear how much they will have to pay.
Of course Middle East watchers will be anxiously waiting for the day after the resolution (either being passed or vetoed).
While Bobby Cox has already made his intentions known, we are now anxiously waiting to hear if Tony LaRussa and Joe Torre will continue their managerial careers in 2011.
For many, it will only the first of a number of nights spent anxiously waiting for news of when they can return to what is left of their homes.
If I were a designer of any repute or had a spec of design skill, I would make an illustration that depicted a brand sitting in a chair in a bedroom reading a story to a consumer, who lied anxiously under the covers waiting to be regaled about stories of adventure, escapades and perhaps a coupon or two.
Groups of locals sit in pavement cafes in the capital city of Nicosia, anxiously watching state television, waiting for the next move, waiting for the next development in a seismic event which has rocked the Cyprus economy to its very core.
CNN: Fear, despair as bailed out Cyprus faces uncertain future
Samata waits anxiously as the chicken flutters in its death throes waiting to see how it falls.
For homeowners anxiously awaiting rises in their homes' values, they might have to keep waiting, says Matt Lloyd, chief investment strategist at Advisors Asset Management.