They would stop a block from his father's house and watch him walk home.
On the walk home, I found streets seething with characters of the most sinister variety.
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"Luckily, I could walk home from work, but thousands of people couldn't, " Mari said.
Ms Whelpton then had to walk home with children Jay, eight, and two-year-old twins Kai and Natalya.
Dusk is falling, but there is still enough light for the walk home.
When we have half a million, you can't take the Metro, and you walk home, and it's not 15 degrees.
"You simply can't walk home anymore after an evening out - it's quite scary, especially if you're alone, " she said.
Police believe he had tried to walk home after a taxi was forced to abandon driving him home on Friday night.
You're just extra cautious because you know you can't just get off the boat and walk home if something goes wrong.
Jack Nicholson will almost certainly be nominated here too, but he's not going to walk home with the prize this year.
Dorota Sandrovic works at a pub in Shaftesbury, which was part of the trial, and has to walk home after midnight.
Fed, they were warmer on the walk home, and Joanna was kinder.
Detective Sergeant Steve Bull of Victoria Police said she had left the bar and had intended to walk home a short distance away.
The force believes that the man, who has not been named, had tried to walk home in severe weather late on Friday night.
Waiters at the big hotels walk home at the end of their duties, reasonably confident that they will not be relieved of their tips.
Each morning as the sun comes up, the gates are opened and the children flood out literally by the thousands to begin that long walk home.
Commuters who normally pack the city's subways and suburban trains in the city of 13 million tried to flag down taxis, hitch rides or walk home.
In Kiev, thousands of drivers were trapped in their cars overnight and had to walk home braving a blizzard at the weekend, Albiy Shudrya of BBC Ukrainian reports.
They also offer water to those who may be dehydrated from drinking alcohol, flip flops to women struggling to walk home in heels, as well as first aid when needed.
The force believes that Mr Windle had tried to walk home after a taxi was forced to abandon an attempt to drive him to Briercliffe in severe weather late on Friday night.
My short walk home passes a small, rather dingy square, the graffiti-covered Piazza San Apollonia, where a disused butcher's shop, an ironmongers and a tiny comedy theatre are all that remain of the final act in this famous love affair.
They realised the town was also very badly affected - canal meets river meets sea situation - My brother began a very bad asthma attack and eventually after paramedics helped him they were escorted through flood waters so they could walk home.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Were you affected by the flooding?
"For him to go off nice and relaxed in 24 and change and come home on his own the way he did, and gallop out the way he did, and drop his head and walk home, it sent cold chills up my back, " the Hall of Fame trainer said.
To pause and feel the humility that only comes from unspeakable gratitude: to those who, for example, walked away from home and into battle for their country, and will never walk back home.
He said he was often waylayed on his short walk back home by colleagues asking him to hand in a petition or a letter to the Pope because of the privileged position he enjoyed inside the Pope's immediate entourage.
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The sale to GameStop may not be a walk-off home run for the investors.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Breitbart collapsed while out for a walk near his home around midnight.
FORBES: Andrew Breitbart's Book Sales Spike Upon News of Death