At the neon-pink-walled factory of Soul Stix Surfboards, in the surf ghetto of San Clemente, Calif.
For years, a holiday in the Dominican Republic entailed staying at a walled-in, cookie-cutter resort.
The walled and moated city of Angkor Thom sits about a mile due north of Angkor Wat.
Perched on nearly half an acre, the glass-walled home features sprawling views of the city below.
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There were no casual contacts with Russians, as the country had walled itself off.
Around 1286, this village of thick-walled farmhouses was founded by settlers from the west.
An ability to receive content from the open Internet, not just a walled garden.
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In Armamar, local fare gets an update at DOC, a glass-walled box on the river.
Religious Americans are not walled off from the realms of fitness, exercise, diet, and psychology.
Half a dozen computers were set up in a starkly decorated, white-walled living space.
Meanwhile, Abdelazziz lives in a walled concrete compound with thundering diesel generators providing 24-hour electricity.
In its heyday, AOL was a walled garden similar to the Apple of today.
Consumers rebelled against the restrictive walled garden of AOL and left it in droves.
It took 10 days to advance the last 1, 000 yards inside the walled city.
There, travelers can enjoy nature's colorful show from a heated, walled tent until around 2 a.m.
He turned and walked into a log-walled guard hut that I had not noticed before.
Several stately homes are reinstating their walled gardens, used for years as car parks for visitors.
In a white-walled village where the sun made me squint, I went to see a doctor.
Old, walled courtyard homes are the building blocks of this delightful maze of lanes.
Mr Obama must tell the Israelis that their country cannot remain a walled fortress for ever.
Some of the factories are built into the rock surrounding the walled city.
All of this achieved, mind you, in conjunction with obtaining an accredited degree from a walled university.
Today, the Reeves family has walled off the adjacent charred lot, which is located on Reeves Corner.
Cell phones ring along the ancient walled streets with an intensity matched only in an Asian subway.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Culture on Demand: Letter from Cortona
The small, walled compound looked neglected, with patches of overgrown grass strewn with old bottles and plastic bags.
Today, Old Shanghai is walled in by the apartment and office towers slowly and inevitably approaching from all sides.
The walled in town with castles and fortresses is right on the coast.
Many of the old plant varieties found in the walled garden from the original estate were replanted and regrown.
This leads to confusion among people and mutually inaccessible walled gardens of content, neither of which is good.
We parked next to a white-walled farm of some kind, surrounded by fields.