"Europe is going to continue to wallow in misery for the foreseeable future, " Mr. Steinmetz said.
Local firms wallow in cash, hungry for a chance to invest, but they need predictability about policy and decision-making.
Another excuse to wallow in political incorrectness is provided by the 50th anniversary of the James Bond film franchise.
While Washington can wallow in red ink, states have to balance their budgets.
At the end of the day, far better to look a wolverine in the eye than wallow in long-term dissatisfaction.
But do you sit and wallow in what could have been and complain that unemployment compensation is not enough to survive on?
Was his sense of structure a noble refusal to wallow in cheap emotion, or evidence of repression, an inability to let himself go?
His best tactic, with both his party and the public, may be to look forward to the future rather than wallow in past recrimination.
Journalists at mainstream media organizations wallow in a zero-sum world: There can be only one evening television anchor and one top editor at a newspaper.
Alternatively one could go to the Courtauld Gallery in London, lose oneself in its un-crowded galleries and wallow in its exquisite collection of less celebrated Cezanne masterpieces.
Also, elephants wallow in mud and spread dust on their skin.
One observer after another extols the purer and simpler delivery of a bygone age and deplores contemporary singers who wallow in trills, slides and other vocal histrionics.
WSJ: Book Review: The Cambridge History of Musical Performance
Refused to wallow in anything related to self-pity or suffering.
The band's new You Can't Win (sense a theme?) continues to wallow in the dark corners of James' psyche, though "Just Don't Leave Town" raises the discourse from miserablism to ambivalence.
Let Europe (and England) wallow in deflationary fiscal constructs.
"Those same girls who were going to see Leonardo DiCaprio, were also going to the movies again and again to hear that song, to wallow in that song, to sort of wash over them, " said Leah Rozen, an associate editor at People magazine.
While Greece dominates headlines with a 12.7% budget deficit and a 300 billion euro debt (as of early March 2010), the rest of the so-called PIIGS countries (Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain) wallow in high debt levels as well, triggering further alarm about the future of the European Union.
Debtors of all kinds, especially the government, wallow happily in the procedural swamp.
Seeking a drink of water from a caribou wallow resulted in dysentery, and drinking water from a free-flowing artesian well resulted in being killed.
The stickiest remaining mud is the patch in which the pilots like to wallow.
This is a sentimental wallow of a picture, a glossy swan song that finds New York's perennial good-time gals in danger of turning into the ladies who lunch.
From the egotistical preparations for a night on the pull in 'The Game' through to the self-indulgence of needing and finding "a place to wallow" (on the appropriately named 'Wallow'), there is a great deal of thought devoted to number one.
BBC: Stephen Morris reviews Gloucester band The Red Moccasins