Schools and hospitals, long closed for want of funds, are now operating more or less normally.
Then she learned how many children die in Africa for want of that same medicine.
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Mr Le Pen, whose lot won just a single seat for want of allies, is eager.
For want of a nail in one tax provision, the kingdom and its exchequer could be lost.
The sick and the pregnant are being turned away from hospitals for want of medicine and staff.
He is, for want of a better term, a radical liberal: he defends women's emancipation and gay rights.
For want of a husband her brother Edward, Duke of York stood groom.
The more expensive they become the more people actually want of them.
FORBES: Eurozone Crisis: Now Everyone's Going Bust, Swiss Bonds Become a Giffen Good
It is not for want of trying that the pro-Syrians' voice is weak.
EU. It is not for want of talent: Europe's drug industry otherwise accounts for 40% of medicines developed worldwide.
Three suspects, all white, were acquitted after a private prosecution brought by the Lawrence family collapsed for want of evidence.
ECONOMIST: New rules on double jeopardy score a first conviction
The want of money and the strains children place on the family budget are the simplest and most likely explanations.
But there is also a range of what are referred to, for want of a better phrase, as higher emotions.
But to confuse such short-term, expediency-driven common interests with a durable strategic partnership is, for want of a better term, globaloney.
In The Dark Knight Rises, he spends a considerable part of his life in, for want of a better name, Baneistan.
His life ambition was to write the "Great American novel" and although this ambition went unrealized, it wasn't for want of trying.
Some see his ownership of Chelsea as a passing fad, a plaything he may soon, for want of new trophies, tire of.
In the cheese stakes, Switzerland loses out to Greece, but at 21 kilos a head it is not for want of trying.
In a general crisis, it doesn't matter whether banks are big or small, government isn't going to let them fail for want of liquidity.
The premises will serve the high school students who have since 2008 been using rooms in the primary school for want of a building.
But for want of a reason to object, the Bank of France (on March 29th) and all other regulators have now cleared the bid.
The ballyhooed Linux operating system, which is free, has made inroads in the server market, but not on the desktop, for want of applications.
Only half of the marine division's 300 boats are in working order, observers say, and even those are often idle for want of fuel.
Kofi Annan, the Arab League and UN envoy, for want of a better solution, hopes to coax the regime into opening talks with the opposition.
You can make whatever you want of your time on Musha.
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Victory would have sealed a minimum of seventh spot for Everton, and it was not for want of chances that they left the West Midlands empty-handed.
The Bush administration, for want of a consensus within it, gives every impression of having deferred a decision on what sort of policy to have towards Iran.
What, in broad cartoon strokes, the system did not do was train or encourage journalists to be creative, technological or, for want of a better word, actuarial.
Up to that point, I'd never really considered the possibility that I might not have the opportunity to pull the trigger at all, for want of a target.