It's pretty easy to guess which gestures you would use when you want to delete a song, but does anyone really want to deal with something like this?
ENGADGET: Researchers want gesture-controlled gadgets
An extraordinary, extraordinary group of astronauts who gave their lives and did it in a way that they knew exactly the risk but never in a -- ever do we ever want to see a circumstance where something like this could ever happen.
CNN: O'Keefe: 'A tragic day for the NASA family'
What we -- whenever something like this happens, what we want to do is to make sure that we take all appropriate measures to identify additional threats that are out there.
WHITEHOUSE: Full Briefing on Security Alert
" Civil servant Roger Sutojo figures the Timor "may take some of the small van market, but no one who aspires to own something like the Toyota Corolla is going to want to buy this.
CNN: Tremors from the Timor
This makes the bikes a bit cheaper unless you want to change something, like the wheels, in which case you might have to buy all the parts separately.
FORBES: Why You Need a Custom Road Bike
"It's a pretty arduous proposition to do something like this, and it's a project that most people don't want to do, " says the owner and developer, Dan Swanson of Addison Development, adding that he spent about three years building the home.
WSJ: Palm Beach Mansion Asks $74 Million | Private Properties
The argument, based on the bitter experience of 2009, went like this: Better to have 54 or 55 Democrats who might actually want to get something done than to worry about building a super-majority on the "strength" of conservative members who enthusiastically support unnecessary wars, free trade and misguided domestic economic policies.
NPR: The Nation: Bye Bayh, Bring On The Populists
"I had this feeling that something was really wrong.." She didn't want to end up like her mother, who was hospitalized for anxiety issues when Chanda was 10.
CNN: Xanax 'helps me be a better mom'